Which of society’s standards do you still feel like you have to conform to, even in 2022?

  1. I don’t feel the need to conform to most, except for the pressure of having/keeping a stable career and being financially independent.

  2. That you need to put on actual pants if your going to a bank or doctors appointment. Fuzzy pj’s arnt aloud

  3. Wearing a bra. Idk. My boobs a small enough that I could get away without wearing one. But I find I feel more put together with one on and I get paranoid my nipples are super visible if I don’t.

  4. Shaving my armpits and leg hair when they’ll be visible. Something I wouldn’t do if I didn’t “have” to.

  5. Shaving my legs. I do prefer the look and feel of shaved legs, but I definitely shave them more frequently than necessary if it was entirely just based on my preferences for look and feel.

    Also wearing a bra. It’s legal to be topless where I live and I remember foolishly going running on a day way too hot for it last year. Felt like my boobs were being waterboarded and all I wanted to do was peel off the sports bra, but I just suffered through it till I got home.

  6. Society is not always wrong. Nor were women of the pre-feminist era wrong about everything. One thing they got right is that women have always been a force in setting society’s standards. What we have to do now, and ARE doing, is to ask ourselves what kind of a world do WE want to build and live in, without making men the center of everything.

  7. Being pretty. Idk. I don’t even think of myself as pretty yet I still try just to fit in.

  8. Bras. I don’t shave my legs. But I feel weird without the bra like I’ll be judged

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