Title. As soon as we finished fucking she looked really uneasy and then told me she had the most high-risk strain, 16 or 18. Apparently she hadn’t intended to tell me because all the doctors etc had told her you don’t need to worry at all if you use condoms, but as soon as we finished she felt really bad, especially since we had unprotected oral sex

I was weirdly chill about it for a while because all I’ve ever heard about HPV is that it’s basically harmless and omnipresent, but the more I read the more that seems not quite true. That shit can cause various cancers. Moreover I can never know for sure whether I have it because men can’t get tested. Regardless of the risk, which I do think is relatively minor, it was just obviously wrong of this girl not to tell me first. Let me make the decision!

Anyway, last night I went for a drink with this totally beautiful Turkish girl. We were really into each other and were going to go back to my place, but I felt so bad at the thought of passing it on that I just had to ask if she’s vaccinated against it. She is, but still has some health anxiety in general so felt weird about it and we didn’t go home together. Today she called her doctor to ask about the risk (I’m flattered she wants it this badly) and he told her it’s only 70% protection, enhanced by condoms but she wouldn’t feel comfortable working around it, not giving each other head etc. Even deep kissing is a (very minor but still) risk factor

So that’s that, I guess this is my life now. Just gonna feel morally obliged to puncture every sexual interaction I have by asking people if they’re vaccinated/comfortable, and sometimes — maybe even often — they’ll say no.

Amazing irony. Should’ve stayed with my ex!

  1. Really depending on when the first girl got it she may not be a carrier anymore. It goes away on its own after about 2 years and if her paps are normal then her physician would tell her she’s no currently at risk.

  2. Look at it this way, a LOT of people have HPV. A LOT. Even really awesome, beautiful girls. The pool may be smaller, but there’s still a lot of hot chicks in It. Try putting “HPV Pos” somewhere at the bottom in your dating profiles, you might be surprised. Not the end of your life.

    Shitty for that girl to tell you that immediately after sex. You should keep her number handy, she owes you a lifetime of late night calls… Good luck.

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