Hi, i dont know if this is the right place to ask this but i could use some advice.

My school has decided they are not allowing kids to use the locker rooms by the pool to prevent kids from vaping and vandalizing it but that makes us use the normal locker rooms that dont have stalls. So we have to change in the middle of the hallway.

For me, this is typically fine for normal PE clothes, but i dont feel comfortable changing into normal clothes from a bathing suit in the middle of a hallway. (Because who wears underwear under a bathing suit?) There are bathrooms in the locker room but we arent allowed to change in them because “kids who need to use the bathrooms can’t” even though theres a bathroom in the next building less than 20 steps away.

Can anyone give me some tips to not be exposed? I have PE second period and i dont want to have a wet bathing suit under my clothes all day.

  1. I’d start shit with other parents possible about how teachers seem to want students exposed instead of taking the time to supervise stall use. You could easily tell who vapes where if a staff member stood by the stalls, they’d just rather make students uncomfortable which is unacceptable imo.

  2. I’d write a fucking complaint I feel like that violates some sort of regulation somewhere. Get your parents to talk to organize some sort of complaint if they can, this shouldn’t be allowed.

    Though if that doesn’t do anything I might be able to help. I used to do swimming and I’ve always been pretty self conscious, and what I would do is back myself against the wall or locker (preferably in a corner) with a towel under my chin until I could get my underwear on. It’s pretty awkward to do and depending on the angle I’m standing people could see my legs from the side but everything important was covered. Hope this helps and all goes well.

  3. I’m sorry for your discomfort. I was in the same way – just never really comfortable showing much skin to other people.

    Stalls may not always be a thing in locker rooms; I had experiences both with and without. I do recall using the restroom stalls that were in the locker room when available; not sure why they would have people outside of the class using that locker room using the stalls for anything at all, and once you’re in a stall it’s no concern what you’re using the privacy for.

    I remember wearing long shirts on gym days to cover me down to about mid-thigh – I was more concerned about my bottom than my top, so having some built in shielding was nice, and definitely felt less conspicuous.

    I will say, while there’s some expectation of social normalcy around nudity in locker rooms due to cultural norms in a lot of places in the world, I would hope that there has also grown a respect for reasonable request for privacy where someone’s body is concerned.

    Just because everyone says you should be comfortable with the thing, doesn’t make you the bad guy or wrong if you are not comfortable with the thing. If that is the level of discomfort there, then (assuming you have a decent relationship with them) it couldn’t hurt to let your parents weight in on matters. As has been said, it might be that there are other students and parents who are not comfortable with the solution proscribed by the school, and really the school’s argument and reasoning is kinda silly sounding to me.

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