So I’m not sure how being popular works since I was not liked in high school, but now I’m trying to get along with everyone at work (an international preschool in Japan) and I feel like I’m just not getting it.

I’ve been working there since January and have already been promoted to Saturday Leader, so that’s cool, but I’m so lost as to how to make more connections to management without sucking up, when people who have been there less time than me are already hanging out with them and I’m just so frustrated because I just don’t know how to be popular.

I try to be funny, and someone else is funnier louder. I try to show modesty and humility, and I’m told that I apologize too much.

I know I’m a bit awkward sometimes but I really just don’t know where to start. Does anyone have any advice for networking a teaching job overseas or even just making meaningful work relationships??

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