There’s a woman that works at my fav grocery store. She has the most unique eyes. I went to her one day and just blatantly told her how beautiful her eyes are. She laughed and seemed genuinely grateful.

I’m not sure if I should pursue her. Since my last psychiatrist told me the cause of my disease is social rather than biological. And both of my episodes have been after a heartbreak (combined with overworking and lack of sleep.)

I am also unemployed and dependent on my parents atm. I used to have a bright future (medical intern). Now I’m pursuing a career in writing which ofc isn’t prestigious and barely makes money.

What do I do? I sometimes feel like I don’t deserve love.

  1. Work on yourself first. Find a job, you need some cash to date. It’ll take some effort, but you’re worth it. Good luck

  2. Def work on yourself first. You deserve love, but you need to at the very least pull your share in the relationship. You will only hurt yourself in the longrun.

  3. If she says yes, will you be in a good healthy place to begin a relationship?

    If not, maybe best to work on yourself and ask her in the future

  4. First of all. You do deserve love. Everyone does.

    Secondly, what do you have to lose? Would you regret NOT asking her out?
    You never know. Harnessing the courage to ask her out could lead to a lifetime of happiness with someone. At the same time, you could be rejected. And I’m sure that rejection wouldn’t be so bad. It may temporarily hurt, but you will move on.

    But hey, you never know if you never try.

    Best of luck!

  5. First, you DO deserve love and happiness. And you will find it when the time is right.

    I think at the moment you should try to focus on yourself, and work on things you might be experiencing, like anxiety. If you don’t already, I would suggest seeing a therapist. They can help you a lot in dealing with your thoughts and emotions, along with whatever you’re going through. When the time feels right, give it a shot. You are worthy of it.

  6. You deserve love. Maybe not right now and not with her. You sound like you’ve got a lot on your plate.

  7. I’m sure you are worthy of love, maybe you should just make sure you love yourself before u can love anyone else because you and ur partner both deserve happiness and a healthy relationship

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