I read the very good article in here about pulling out. I have a partner that refuses to get on birth control but she trusts me to pull out. Im older so I know the risks, Im not trying to be preached to and we are both tested. I have no concerns about pulling out on time and I have no concerns about the 1st round but after that 1st round, I know there is a chance of semen being in the urethra. I know you urinate to clear it out but there is still always a very small chance of semen still being there. I read posts about people using the pull out method for years and never had an issue with but My question to the community is what is people’s success with using the pull out method method with multiple rounds. Did yall wait a certain amount of time between rounds?

  1. I’ve used it quite a bit along with fertility awareness (we use another birth control method like condoms or diaphragm during my ovulation window) and we’ve used it for multiple rounds. I believe pairing pull out with another method such as fertility awareness bumps up the efficacy, but again YMMV and take this with a grain of salt. We were aware of the risks and were prepared to deal with the consequences. So far I haven’t had any accidental pregnancies and I’m almost 40. Take that as you will.

  2. If you don’t urinate between pulling out then go for round two then she can get pregnant. Waiting any amount of time doesn’t do anything (the semen that could be in the urethra is still going to be there and will be viable for days if you don’t urinate).

    The pulling out method isn’t a good contraceptive method, but I won’t lecture you on that. Would recommend her getting on some form of birth control (pills, injection, IUD, etc.) or using condoms. At the very least she and you should be keeping track of her cycle to at least reduce the risk of pregnancy.

  3. I understand that you don’t want to be preached to but you don’t really seem to understand…

    There is potentially sperm in your urethra when you have precum. There is sperm in your urethra after having an ejaculation. When you urinate after sex you can not be assured that you have cleared out the urethra completely. There is a phenomena called retrograde ejaculation. In this ejaculate goes into the bladder.

    People who have been unsuccessful are called parents and probably don’t have time to play on Reddit until their children are older.

    The success rate numbers for perfect implementation are surprisingly high, however they are not realistic when done in real world applications.

  4. I did pull out for 20 yrs, except for the times we were trying for kids, or pregnant (basically 95% of 20 yrs).

    I did multiple rounds, and tried to squeeze out/pee out remaining semen. I’m also super disciplined at pull out, to the point where I don’t like any other way, to this day (I’ve had a vasectomy).

    I think its a big risk, and we were lucky to not have unplanned pregnancy.

    I recommend vasectomy, its fast, relatively painless (compare IUD), its reversible for years (like 7+ ), so you can still have children when the time is right. /preach

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