M21, was hanging out with this girl and she gave me a handjob. I went to clean up afterwards and wiped everything off and obviously had some cum on my hand. I wiped my hand until it was completely dry and nothing on it but did not use soap and water. 5 minutes later I went and fingered her with the same hand.

Am I safe or in trouble? My hand was completely dry after I wiped it off just not sure if the residue left is enough to cause pregnancy?

  1. You’re fine. Sperm die really fast in open environment. This would be the closest thing to an immaculate conception if she did.

  2. Well it’s possible for sperm to live up to 30 minutes outside the body, but that’s lab environment, probably in an ideal environment for the circumstances. You’re probably safe, but if she’s worried the morning after pill is the best option. It’ll basically force her to have a period tho, so it’s not ideal.

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