Hi I am 22 and a girl. In the last 2 years I’ve studied in a different town far from my hometown. When I moved there I met 2 girls and we became best friends and did everything together and were really „integrated“ in each other’s lives, also because the town was very small.

Now I went abroad for 6 months and moved back to my hometown to finish my studies because of convenience.

When I went abroad I had contact with this one friend and also after we saw each other for a week. This was in January. Now in the last 3 months we didn’t really have contact because neither one of us reached out. Now we all 3 met for the weekend because of our other friends bday. The whole weekend the vibe between me and my one friend was weird cause she didn’t asked me any questions about my life at home now and it was just in general a weird situation since we haven’t seen each other for 3 months and acted like we didn’t drift apart.

When I was in the group in my university town I always felt comfortable and like we really fitted as a group personality wise. Now I am wondering if I only was so close with her cause we lived in the same town and saw each other every da basically.
I feel like other than that we don’t have anything in common and I also feel like I grew as a person so much in the last months through doing inner work really figuring out who I am and what I want in relationships/ friendships etc.
Now it feels like I am not really myself around her or can’t talk about things which are important in my life etc., but she didn’t asked about it anyways. I also feel drained after this weekend being in the group rather than energized and happy.

I don’t know how to handle the situation cause I am wondering if it’s okay to just let the friendship slowly die out and if this is a normal thing that happens in our twenties.

I also to some degree feel bad because I think I also could have done a better job in keeping the friendship alive but I thought that it’s probably not worth it (as bad as it sounds) to try so hard because we would (because of the lack of similarity and our characters) drift apart anyways since I am also planning to do work and travel in fall etc.

What are your thoughts and did u ever experienced a similar situation?

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