i’m 15F and i’ve been catching myself lying excessively about my personal life / love life, etc whenever i’m with a group of classmates and i have no idea why, i think it started when i was 13-14 and i’ve just noticed now, whenever the girls are talking about kisses or boys they’re going to meet up with and then they come ask me about the boy i’ve been talking to i lie and say we already met up or kissed when we haven’t yet? it just comes out naturally as they ask and i immediately regret lying and i try to change the subject to something else, is this a natural instinct of trying to fit in or am i just a compulsive lier?

1 comment
  1. Peer pressure to keep up appearances. Everyone around you is having experiences you hadn’t yet.
    It’s okay not to have those yet. Take your time. Be safe. You have all the time in the world.

    I’ve experienced fibbing about experiences like this. Most of the time to not to be picked on. If this lying about your experiences bothers you take a moment to stop… think… ask yourself will you be happy playing along… or will you be happier saying the truth for yourself.

    If people pick on you for not experiencing these things, well that’s on them. It’s not your fault.

    The goal in your life now… is to be happy. Find out what you like. Who you want to be. Explore the world and understand it, even if it’s by little by little.

    Keep compassion to your heart… give yourself some time to understand. Question things. While your discovering for yourself, stay safe.

    Talk to the adults you trust. Ask for some insight from them if you feel you can. They’re there to help. I recommend learning more research skills. It’ll help a lot. Also social skills here will help… book and stuff will help too. I’m not sure which ones you should read but I’m sure someone might have some.

    I hope any of my message helps and if it sounds redundant. I apologize.

    Wanted to add that lying only left me with regret and it didn’t help much.

    At times I had low for safety and that was the times that help.

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