I’m doing a group project for college, there’s a guy in my group who I’ve had the displeasure of knowing for about 3 years. It’s very evident to me that he’s a compulsive liar and is constantly making things up for attention and faking injuries and such.

It’s hard to ignore as he’s very persistent, sending voice notes into the group chat acting high of medication etc.

How do I deal with him and people like him in the future?

  1. They feed off of attention. If they don’t get it, they’ll eventually try to find it elsewhere.

    Edit: calling them out can sometimes make you the asshole. IMO, although it’s annoying, just let it slide and never give it attention.

  2. I’d respond with an obviously fake injury as well, maybe then he’ll get the hint that he’s a clown 🤡

  3. Lying is a fear of the truth and I was pathological for over 30 years and I only learnt to stop when someone said to me dood . Relate a life that is true and live your truth even if people don’t like it it’s yours . So maybe pull him aside and change his life by telling him you call bullshit and he needs to strip it down and start a fresh ??

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