So for the first date we went to a coffee shop with trivia, then to a bar that was supposed to have tacos but had the kitchen closed, we had 2 cocktails each. Was a pretty good first date, had some activity besides just eating/drinking, lots of hugs but not further.

Post first date text convo is kinda boring, my fault because I don’t know much about her hobbies, but she uses a exclamation marks and tries to reply with the same length as my messages.

Not sure if I should try to get flirty which I only know like 1 or 2 ways (crappy memes about being cute) when she’s not saying much new detail. Or just go straight into a date ask from boring conversation.

We are having kind of boring conversation about a tea place that she sort of likes but doesn’t seem mega enthusiastic about, which is right next to her favorite restaurant (a local fried chicken place, not super date like but not a chain)

I know another bar and grill which is a good date place (been to before), and would actually have tacos that are excellent, although we did go to a bar already. Also my plan there if it closes too early, would be walking to another bar that is open late so not sure if that’s too good, possibly seem tryhard and alcoholic to walk from bar to bar.

So I’m not sure if I should be like “Have you ever tried Y bar and grill? I love their tacos” which, while expecting a response and trying to get the girl’s input on a place so “needy”, is short and nonchalant enough I think?

Maybe I should ask it like “Btw do you wanna grab some dinner or drinks next week?” and then “I was thinking X place and if we get hungry walk over to grab some fried chicken, I’ve also been meaning to go back to Y place, love their tacos”

  1. Forget about location, focus on is she attracted enough to want a 2nd date? U don’t have to tel her where the dates happening, + she won’t care as long as she’s into u

  2. Instead of trying to guess where she wants to go or what she wants to do, TELL HER what you want to do. You’re trying to find the “right” way to do all this stuff and it doesn’t exist. It’s also why your conversations are boring.

    You’re over thinking this whole thing way too much. If it takes this much brainpower when you’ve only been out once, we’re f**king screwed.

  3. My first date with my current pursuit, she invited me out for drinks at a location I knew nothing about, so I said she leads. We found a hole in the wall, ended up getting dinner. I paid.

    Second date was last weekend. I said movies. She picked the film. I paid.

    Third date is 13th. She said at end of the second date she wants the next one to be random. We also discussed going to the zoo or aquarium before it gets too cold. So, I sat down and thought.. random and incorporating either or.. looked at the pile of coins on my desk. Asked her to meet me at the ferry wharf.

    The plan is, the entire date is determined by a coin flip. Heads, aquarium, tales, zoo. Once there, every decision i toss a coin. Bout as random as it gets.

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