No hate what so ever! I’m just very curious on the reasoning behind guys cumming so fast. Like under a minute to two minutes fast. Are you just trying to please yourself or is the other reasons for this happening? I (f23) feel very self conscious when a guy does this. Is it me or him?

  1. The question was asked today. I will give a boring response: because biologically, its better to cum fast. Mating is a moment where the animal is vulnerable so it needs to end fast.

    Also, there are a lot of factors which comes into play, age, excitement, experience, amount of time of abstinence, etc.

  2. It could be over-stimulation. Some guys might be selfish about, but ultimately it should be for the woman’s pleasure. For guys that do finish fast with piv, you should consider it a compliment as long they do help you get there. There are minute men, and there are marathoners. Don’t take anything too hard on yourself.

  3. I’ve met loads of guys who just couldn’t hold it in no matter how hard they tried. As long as they’re happy to satisfy me orally or other ways it doesn’t bother me.

  4. A lot of the time it has to do with how recently a guy masturbated. If it was a few days ago, he’ll cum much much faster. But if it was just that morning, he’ll last much longer.

    A guy who cums is probably just very turned on by you, and it means you’re doing everything right. You shouldn’t feel bad at all. Take it as a compliment! You may encounter a guy one day who’s much harder to make cum, and that feels much worse typically for girls.

    If you find he’s cumming fast from sex, finish him with a blowjob first maybe an hour or so before you go to have actual sex. I promise he’ll last much longer when you actually start fucking. Or if he’s down for it, cum first from a bj, then get right back into sex. It depends how long of a break he needs to get it up again. Hope that made sense 🙂

  5. Weird to be self conscious about it. It is usually taken as a huge compliment, he is immensely turned on by you.

  6. You should be flattered! He’s really excited about being with you.

  7. That is all bad. I mean i get that she should be flattered maybe the first time, but he should be able to hang on for longer after that one is out of the way. Especially if he’s older. If he has very little experience then he needs to start masturbating so he can practice stamina. When you have sex Afraidpapaya, you have to put yourself first. If they guy you are with is not pleasing you, he either works on it or you move on. He can also go down on you for longer to get you closer to climax before he hops on.

  8. I tried every imaginable thing to desensitize and/or delay orgasm. It was demoralizing and broke my self-esteem. I have finally gotten control of things, but I think only because I started taking a new medicine for something else, and it is a side effect.

    I suspect most guys who struggle with PE are not at all selfish, but the opposite. They do not enjoy sex because they can’t satisfy their partners like they want to.

    That’s my experience.

  9. I don’t think many men are making the choice to cum fast. How long a guy will.last is highly variable by the individual and also day to day but if they cum on the quicker side it is almost never by choice. The arousal level can be just too high to hold back.

    If they’re all.coming quick you should probably take it as a compliment and make sure they find another way to pleasure you.

    If I haven’t cum in a few days and I suspect I’ll cum a little quicker than normal I’ll make sure to go down on my partner and bring her to orgasm orally first. Giving oral really turns me on so combine that with not cumming for a few days before and it’s usually a sure fire way for me to cum fairly quick. Thankfully cumming that fast isn’t the norm for me but it does happen to most guys from time to time.

  10. I have good control over it, I can go for hours. But sometimes, girl is exceptional from what we are used to. In such an encounter, her pussy was dripping wet, and despite being aroused, her holes were too small from what I used to. I cummed just when my glans entered her, just with the warmth and grasp. Whom should I blame? If all guys cum fast with you, maybe youre too beautiful, or have exceptional sex appeal, or a beautiful pussy.

    Also in my experience, passionate sex with someone you love lasts much lesser than fucking random ones, feelingless sex.

  11. Those guys feel just as bad (hell, probably worse) about it as you do. It’s not usually something they can control, and wish very much they COULD control. It’s not about them (selfishness) and it’s not about you (attraction, or lack of).

  12. I’m a woman. But I seek out a two pump chump. It’s so hot.

    It’s pretty bold of you to assume cumming fast is selfish.

    You are allowed to want what you want, but might want to check your patronization at the door

  13. Sometimes it’s like that, sometimes it can take very long. Depends on a ton of factors from arousal to blood alcohol level. Physical stamina also plays a big role.

  14. The more pleasure we have the faster the process is but there are certain techniques to last it much longer. Those include positions change/ rhythm change etc.

  15. I try to please female wich I do, always , make her cum multiple times, also for me it’s hard to cum I can go over 40min to 80min without cumming , and whenever I focus a bit I cum

  16. Too much excitement. He finds you too sexy and his mind cant process it thats why. When I’m masturbating, I can’t ever cum that fast but there were times I came in a minute during foreplay. All about mind

  17. I’m one of those guys who actually cum fast like quick! I just tell her before we start so she doesn’t think of me as weird nor i have to.
    Also the reason for Cumming fast is either I’ve not masterbated in 2/3days or I’m just too excited thinking about that she’ll be sucking my dick 😁
    That’s why i usually eat her out for a long time and then I’m hard enough to go for long time

  18. When it happens to me i just can’t help i just finish fast and there’s nothing I can do about it but I do make sure the women I’m with always finishes. I usually last 30 minutes to an hour most of the time.

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