I’m someone who has always been shy and quiet but I’ve always been told how nice and friendly I am. I’ve never had trouble making friends until I developed mental health issues where I isolated myself for years. I’m not the best at small talk. When people I don’t know well ask me “how are you?” 90% of the time I respond with “good, how are you?” But when it comes to my friends I feel more comfortable talking and say more. I’m still mostly quiet though and have always been like that as a kid. I can also sit in complete silence and be comfortable but I know some people are uncomfortable with that so I push myself to talk and ask questions. Do these traits point to a lack of social skills?

1 comment
  1. Not really. Introversion does not mean you lack social skills. Lacking social skills is not knowing how to navigate/respond to social situations at all. You know awkward silence makes people uncomfortable, so you break the ice. That’s a social skill. From what you wrote, you just may be quiet and maybe have a lower self-esteem/ are very humble. You might not believe you have social skills

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