I (21 F) am an afab person who identifies as female and goes by she/her pronouns. I have never really questioned questioned my gender as I identify, in most regards, with the gender I was born into. However, when I think about sex while masturbating or reliving past sexual relations I’ve had, I always imagine it from the male perspective. As if I was the dude with a woman doing the same things to me that I did to him in actuality. Sometimes I stroke my phantom penis or imagine how I would have sex with a woman if I actually had a penis. I am queer and have had a couple different sexual partners over the years of varying genders but I just don’t understand why I feel this way. Has anyone else experienced this?

  1. Sometimes i rub the head of my penis and i imaging it being a clit. I don’t think it has to do whit what you identify, for me at least is just hot thinking about it

  2. Not weird lol I like pretending I’m the guy if I’m laying on the stomach or grinding on something lol

  3. I have fantasies that i’m a man fucking a woman. It’s just mental role play imho.

  4. Might not be the way you want to go, but you might check out r/salmacian

  5. >I always imagine it from the male perspective. As if I was the dude with a woman

    Yep, me too. I think it’s a lot more common than you’d think.

  6. I also do this. I’m straight but I imagine fucking a woman as a guy because I like to imagine how horny he is and how good it must feel as a guy. Turns me on so much to imagine how horny a guy is

  7. My fwb feels the same. She doesnt want to be male, but she has a strange relationship to men and penises.

    Her father left her mother before she was born. And one of her step fathers sexually abused her as kid. So she always had this urge for a protective father figure in her life. She wrote fan fiction very early, about dragon ball z. Not because of the epic anime battles, but she is obsessed by the strong family bonds, and how the fathers protect their family by fighting and being cruel and strong.
    Her own alter ego is a male warrior. She doesnt want to be the innocent daughter who gets protected, she wants to be the protector! And in her mind, that is a male father.

    So she never wanted to be male, but she wanted to protect people, and that meant to be a male warrior.

    Her penis relation is similar. She has been abused by penises. She couldnt protect herself, and she always related penises to power. Guys always talk about their penis, they make graffiti of their penis, sex is all about penis, and the penis is doing the fucking. Her pussy is just passiv, just the receiver, for many guys a pussy isnt actually a genital, its just the missing of a penis, its just a hole where a penis should be.

    So she always felt like she is missing something. Like a cat without ears and just 2 holes. Mixed with her male protection mindset, she needed a penis to enjoy sex and be powerful.

    And thats not just her twisted mindset, its a fact. Penises are celebrated everywhere, while women feel ashamed for their vulva.

    The funny thing is, that she is disgusted by penis! Of cause she is, after her abusive experiance. And all her boyfriends were egoistic assjoles, who never cared to worship her vulva, they only wanted her to pleasure their penises. That made her hate penises even more, but also made her ency them, too. It seems that you need a penis to have a positiv sexual experiance.

    Now she met me, a guy obsessed with vulva and female pleasure, and she slowly learns how powerful her vulva is, and that she doesnt need a penis at all.
    But she still loves to write her fanfiction with male on male action with a lot of penises xD

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