Hello I’m a rather social person I’m constantly being ignored or avoided, people say I’m too loud or that I talk too much. I also fuck up in my sentences and it feels like people generally don’t enjoy talking with me, I have low self esteem but I’m pretty good at sensing things, like if somebody likes me or if someone hates me.

I’m average socially, and I’m probably a pleaser. People say they like me but everyone always ends up disliking it hating me. Right now I’m okay with being lonely but in the future I will probably end it if I wasted my young life. I don’t know what to do but I’m trying my best to be better.

  1. When you’re talking, what are you talking about? Are you taking about yourself and the things that matter to you, or about the other person and the things that matter to them? How much do you really listen to the other person and really understand what they’re saying, and why they’re saying it? Also, his much are they contributing to the conversation? Are they engaging, or just agreeing with you without actually taking any of it in? Are you just trying to be funny, or are you trying to contribute something meaningful? Are you just trying to get some kind of reaction from others, or are you genuinely expressing yourself? These are all questions you should consider after an interaction goes wrong. A good conversation will not be too one sided. Just try to contribute something meaningful, ask genuine questions, and remember you don’t have to say anything if you don’t have anything to say.

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