How and why would you make that decision? What makes it ok to celebrate one mother over another? Who are you wishing a happy Mother’s Day first?

  1. If you have children with her, your wife.

    Otherwise, your mother.

    Then, in order:

    + Her mother

    + Your grandmothers

    + Her grandmothers

    + Your sisters with children

    + Her sisters with children

    + Professionals in your life who are mothers (eg. kids’ teachers, coworkers)

  2. You talk to your kids and decide what they would like to do for Mother’s day. They need to be involved. If your kids are old enought, bring them to a card store and let them pick out the card.

    If they say they’ll help with making a meal, then supervise/assist them with it.

    They need to learn early on to recognize their mother. It’s up to you to teach them that and that is how you recogize your wife has a mother.

    To answer your question, your immediate family always take precedance. Same goes if you have kids with another woman, your current woman takes precedance, but all your children should be equal.

  3. It’s a decision you make with your wife.

    We’ve decided to alternate years between the 2. Unfortunately her mom lives 5 states away and has severe Alzheimer’s so she’s not really in the picture.

  4. Make it easy on yourself. I assume that you normally sleep in the same bed as your wife. Tell her as soon as you wake up, then make her breakfast with the kids and deliver it in bed if possible, then once the kids are settled, call your mom with the kids, then when your wife is up, call her mom

  5. My wife, because she’s the mother of my kids.

    My own mother knows this also because she didn’t raise a chump.

  6. I think it really depends a lot on the circumstances.

    If you have young kids who aren’t really capable of celebrating mother’s day on their own, your wife takes precedence. If your kids are older and can treat your wife themselves, it’s okay for your mom to take precedence. But ideally you’ll try to make time for both.

  7. That depends on the answer to 1 question. Do you want to stay married?

  8. It all depends on your relationships with these women. Could you tell us a bit about your relationships with your mother and your wife, OP?

  9. Take them both out to dinner and honor them each in a different way. Flowers for your Mother and sex for your wife.

  10. This baffles me. Do the women in your life get together to compare timestamps on their phones or something? Mother’s Day is a whole day long; plenty of time to honor everyone on your list.

  11. We don’t celebrate Hallmark holidays in my family, but if we did, I would prioritize my wife first.

  12. Your wife/ the mother of your children.

    Grandparents’ Day exists, or take the kids to see her on a different day. Send flowers.

    What did you do growing up? We never saw our grandmother(s) on Mother’s Day. It was understood that the baton was passed.

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