I was working on performance evaluations, and part of that process is to establish SMART goals for myself. Normally I dread this effort, but using ChatGPT, I was able to come up with several generic SMART goals and tailor them to suit my specific requirements.

Just wondering in what ways these new technologies have improved your life?

  1. i ask it a lot of questions that google doesn’t usually have good answers to

    i’m learning to cook for example and chatgpt is good at providing tips based on what i’m cooking

  2. As a person in tech, I often struggle with having the mental energy to handle tasks like writing letters or crafting better email responses after a long day of work — it has been an immense help in those areas. Additionally, I’ve used it for debugging purposes to understand errors that I can’t find the solution to or to make more sense of what the error is and why it happened in order to avoid it in the future. However, I’ve noticed some of other people in tech using it as a shortcut to avoid doing the work or finding easy answers, which can be frustrating.

  3. As a software engineer, yes absolutely. I am much more productive because menial tasks are simplified by AIs. We are in the process of implementing AI into our own tooling.

  4. It has made learning on my own so much easier. I can ask it to summarize stuff that’s too difficult for me to understand.

    It is helping me learn languages and correcting my mistakes when I make errors.

    It’s just all around such a good tool. I’m considering buying a membership.

  5. chatGPT is a better google in a way.

    If you look for something specific that has been done already, or has been done similarly already, then chatGPT is better at finding results than google if you know how to ask.

    So that takes care of a lot of grunt work. And let’s you focus more on the original and creative work that hasn’t been done before.

  6. Better than google

    I can tell ChatGPT to list the tensile strength of X, Y, Z metals (with sources) instead of searching across 3-4 different websites and piecing the results together myself

    It doesn’t think for me, but is phenomenal for mindless tasks. It’s like a secretary

  7. My current and last jobs have been for companies working with machine learning, so overall it’s been a good thing.

  8. Now I have to write assignments about AI instead of litterature so potato potato

  9. *”How have recent AI technologies, such as chatGPT, improved your career / life?”*

    The exact opposite.

    It’s eliminating jobs and careers.

  10. It’s been useful as a macro generator. E.g. build a VBA macro for calculating laminar flow based on the parameters x, y,z

    And then the AI overlord answers. My cup doth overflow.


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