Sometimes when I post on my Instagram story I’ll get likes and comments from people, some of those people being guys. If you have an Instagram, then you know when someone likes your story it sends it as a message and you can like their message back. When I like the message back, it’s not because I want a conversation. It’s because I’m just saying thank you for liking my post (and also just to clear out notifications) but some guys take it as an opportunity to try to start a conversation. Most times I don’t respond them and leave them on read. I feel kind of rude doing this. Do guys really care when women do this?

  1. They probably do, but who cares? You don’t owe anybody your time or attention, especially not on social media.

    They’re not entitled to your time because they said something nice.

  2. Who cares what entitled and desperately thirsty guys DMing strangers on Instagram think?

    They’ve liked 50 other women’s pictures before lunch. You owe them nothing.

  3. If you don’t actually want to talk to them it’s more polite to just leave it then to respond

  4. See some people say “hot girl behavior” about shit like this but will message multiple women a day. Like, bro, you’re contributing to these overwhelming inboxes.

  5. I don’t cuz i do the same thing lol. most guys/girls do but your time is important and i don’t think that is rude. in a position like yours it’s ok for you ,they probably care but it’s not worth your time to think about them.

  6. It’s technically rude but acceptable imo. There are some really bored people out there who have nothing better to do than play on social media all day.

    For me personally, I’m a very busy person. If I check social media it’s for seconds out of the day and I don’t have time to get drawn into conversations. I just don’t have the energy to give for that kind of thing.

  7. I don’t know. I don’t respond to people a lot. I like being left alone.

    Sometimes I’ll respond when it’s urgent or relevant, but if it’s just mindless shit I’ll leave ’em on read.

  8. If fake internet friends make you feel bad. Probable shouldn’t be on the internet.

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