I’m a 35 year old male. In my early 20’s i used to be very sociable. Going out with friends, family, drinking etc. I actually wanted to go out and socialise. I enjoyed it. But the last 5-6 years i have barely socialised with friends. Barely gone out anywhere. I’d much rather spend my weekends after a hard week working at my flat on my own, chilling in front of the tv, playing video games etc. I just really enjoy relaxing on my own doing hobbies i love. Playing video games, watching football, movies. I’ve kind of got a boring life compared to some people. But i’m actually happy in myself.

The thought of actually socialising and meeting new people is possibly the worst thing i could thing of doing. I couldn’t think of anything worse. I’ve got my cousin’s wedding to go to later this year and i am absolutely dreading it. It’s not for another 6 months and i’m already thinking about excuses not to go. All my family is very excited and i really don’t want to go. It’s not just that though. I could have done a lot of other sociable things this year involving family but i i never go. Just simply for the fact i’m probably out of my comfort zone and have to talk to people i don’t know.

What is wrong with me? :/

  1. There’s nothing wrong with you at all, man. Everyone has different preferences when it comes to socializing and spending their free time. It’s okay to do things at your own pace and prioritize your own happiness and well-being.

    if you feel like you’re missing out on important family events or relationships, it might be worth trying to push yourself out of your comfort zone a little bit and attend those events. It’s not easy for me either, but I do try. You don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with, like dancing and karaoke, lol. But sometimes taking small steps outside of your comfort zone can help you build up your confidence and social skills. But go for it. As scary as it sounds, I am sure you have family member who would be happy to see you again.

  2. We all get burned out or simply tired of socializing. Take some time for yourself. But for god’s sake bite the bullet and go to the wedding. It’s a little thing to spend a day or whatever for the sake of keeping family harmony.

    Consider the alternative. If you don’t go you risk your family thinking you have something against the wedding, or the couple and it’ll be an enduring sore point. Then you’ll be pressured to explain yourself forever and ever, and no explanation you give will ever be good enough. Yuck to that I say. One day of misery vs a lifetime of misery. Your choice.

    So I say take one for the team.

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