i’m a male 18, i have my best friend, how do you think, is there any chance that she want to have similar relation with me?

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  2. Having friends like you is so disappointing. Do you have any idea how crushing it is to find out your friend is not actually your friend and is just hanging around waiting for a chance to fuck?

  3. Just because she wants to have sex with someone, doesn’t mean that she wants to have sex with you.

    Harsh, perhaps. But still the ultimat truth.

    We can’t guess what she wants for you, you are going to have to ask her.

  4. How in the world would we possibly know the answer to that? Maybe there is a subreddit for mind readers you could ask this in.

  5. Imma take a different approach than the other people commenting. If you sat there with those feelings seems like you were friendzoned. Not a big chance you can fight your way out of that. I’d cut my loses and not be her friend cuz let’s be honest you will feel used in that “friendship” eventually

  6. Most likely not. I wouldn’t recommend going for it. this is especially true considering she’s given you no indication about this and I can tell you personally that with women, its never and I mean never your call as the man weather sex happens, its always her call. Same with just regular dates. It’s her decision only.

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