How important is the username when you talk to someone here, could it be a red/green flag?

  1. Usernames can be dumb. And they can simply stick to you for years for no good reason. So.. they don’t matter to me.

  2. I’ve never really thought of that before, but if you and I talked, there’s something that I would never want to hear you say

  3. I try giving everyone the benefit of the doubt until they prove otherwise.

  4. The more deranged a username is, the more comfortable I feel talking to that person.

  5. While I don’t befriend anyone online, I do like seeing the same names over and over again as if we are part of a social group. I assume, the fact that these users and I haven’t blocked each other means that we at least find each other tolerable to a certain extent.

  6. occasionally i see a username that implies the person is a conspiracy theorist, i always check the post history before i write them off though

  7. Normally it makes no difference, but sometimes people will have something like ITrollUHardBro and you just don’t bother.

  8. *”How important is the username when you talk to someone here”*

    It’s not.

    *”could it be a red/green flag?”*


  9. Usernames are ridiculous, and often there’s usually an explanation behind them. Or at the very least, the setup for a joke. Don’t take them too seriously.

  10. I don’t pay attention to usernames at all, but I don’t value online interactions much.

  11. It’s just one thing to look at.

    If someone’s name is BarryMcCockInner I would be concerned

  12. In an adolescent attempt to appear “edgy”, I used StupidSexyFlanders as a username on a forum decades ago. I was disappointed at how few people cared at all.

  13. I don’t put much stock in usernames. Unless it’s something crazy like a slur. Then I just don’t talk to them.

  14. I hope no one would judge me on my username; it’s a 10 year old account now.

  15. Doesn’t matter to me, I literally stuck mine in a random username generator.

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