as the title suggests, recently he went for a full body check up and the doctor said he might have cancer in his body and suggested a follow up, however he needed a family member to be with him for them to do the check up but he doesn’t want to worry his family at all and declined the follow up. i don’t know what to do he made me promise to not tell his mom and obviously i am very worried about him but how do i convince him or what do i do. he kept saying how it was small and he is still young and nothing would happen to him but i still feel he should follow up and at least know what is wrong and if it is confirmed. he also kept saying to not worry and pretend like he did not tell me this as he was worried it was nothing and didn’t want to be those people who lied about a medical illness for pity. i really have no clue on what to do please help me .

  1. You gotta pressure him to do it, cancer is no joke tell him it’s very serious and you need to make sure that he’s okay

  2. You gotta pressure him to do it, cancer is no joke tell him it’s very serious and you need to make sure that he’s okay

  3. Sounds like a bit of shock and denial. Have you offered to go with him? Make sure you let him know you’ll be there for him no matter what but also reiterate the fact that with cancer time really is of the essence. The longer you wait the harder it’s is to manage. Unfortunately you cannot force someone to do something they don’t want to, but he is probably in shock at what he has heard and may need a few days to process it for himself. Hopefully he will change his mind, maybe just knowing that you’ll be willing to go with him will give him the confidence he needs?

  4. Sounds like he’s afraid – who wouldn’t be? – and in denial. Just keep talking to him about follow up. Also keep in mind any family member would work, maybe he doesn’t want to alarm you.

  5. Why does he need a family member? Why can’t you go with him.

    You need to put your foot down and say he has to go and you’ll go with him. If he has to be sedated for the procedure, you can be there to get him home after. That’s why someone has to be there but it doesn’t need to be a family member.

  6. Cancer does just stop because it’s “small”. Is he a minor that he needs to have an adult with him? Health comes before these promises, you need to tell his family.

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