Hello, I’ve posted some days ago asking whether I should try talking to a boy in my class I always saw alone, and last Tuesday I finally did, thanks to all the lovely people here who helped.

It went very well on tuesday, he seemed nice and not bothered, but when the teacher came in and I asked him to come sit with me and my friends (he was already sitting in class and I had gone up to him) he said maybe tomorrow. The next day he wasn’t there, but today he told me that he came but thought lesson was cancelled so he went home.

Anyway, today we were all waiting outside the classroom, waiting for the lesson before to end, and I saw him waiting outside of the building, basically as far as possible from the rest of us. I went to him again and asked if he wanted to come in and meet the others, but he said something like “nah it’s the last day so no point”. He did say it was better to ask me some things he would have had to ask the teacher though, so I don’t think I bothered him too much.

Then we went into the classroom and I was walking towards my friends but he stopped before and sat somewhere else, so I went back to ask him again to join us, but he declined and I went away.

I know I shouln’t have waited the last week of class to talk to him, but the fact that I woulnd’t have had to see him for a long time if it went badly is what gave me courage to actually do talk to him. And anyway now I’m not sure if he didn’t want to be with us because it was too late or just because.

Also I got his number and sent him some texts about uni stuff but how do I know if i’m being annoying?

  1. My guess is he was nervous to be around your friends and was just trying to act nonchalant about it.

  2. Just ask for there social id if they give you they are just shy, if they don’t they probably not interested.

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