(New account because parents have Reddit lol)

I met a guy on tinder today. We started talking casually and we added each other on Snapchat.
Again, we talked casually. All off a sudden, he asked if I sent nudes. I’ve never sent nudes before, so I replied no.
Eventually, that became all he talked about. he kept asking for nudes, asking for what I’d send, and telling me I’d need to send one to “get out of my comfort zone.”
gave in eventually and sent a nude. We exchanged nudes for a couple minutes. (I sent around 5 and he sent 3.) After we finished, we stopped talking and we haven’t since.
I can’t stop thinking about it. I feel kind of gross. I consented to sending a nude, so I really don’t know why I feel guilty. Has this happened to you at all? How can I feel less gross?

TLDR; I sent nudes to a guy and I feel guilty and gross. How can stop feeling this way?

  1. He pressured you into doing something you didn’t want to do, now you feel bad because you weren’t following your own desires, you got pressured into following his.

    You’ve done nothing wrong so the guilt won’t last, you’ll feel less gross after a bit of time most likely.

    This won’t be the last time some douchebag pressures you about something you don’t want to do, next time remember the gross feeling and stick with your no.

    If you don’t really want to do something, don’t do it.

    Not your fault, you’re 18, figuring this stuff out is what this age is about, you’ll be ok x

  2. It also doesn’t help that he pressured you into it rather than allow things to flow naturally.

  3. Having someone repeatedly push you to do something you don’t consent to is coercive. It’s unsurprising you feel bad when you were mistreated and used. All you can do is learn from it. If someone pushes you after you say no, block them out of your life entirely.

  4. You feel gross because his behavior towards you was gross. It was creepy an manipulative and he’s almost certainly not doing anything good with that nude of yours.

    You are not at fault, but use it as a learning experience for the future. Don’t send nudes to people you don’t 100% trust. If some guy starts pestering you for them, and won’t take no for an answer, that’s an immediate red flag.

  5. Pressure or not surely you can see that this was an extremely stupid decision on your part. Not everything needs to be pictured.
    Learn from this mistake and hope no one recognizes you from the pics because they will be passed around and possibly uploaded onto the internet.

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