I’m a guy and I have my own turn offs and ons. Just interested in other guys

(Personally mine is the taste of alcohol/smoke on their breath)

  1. Had a girl call me “Daddy” once while hooking up.

    Killed the mood immediately.

  2. Too much make-up, long painted fingernails. Any tattoos except small, inconspicuous ones. Smoking and drug use in general.

  3. Smoking.

    Talking nasty about her family and friends.

    Talking about her sexual past a lot.

    Expecting me to pay for everything especially if she doesn’t even appreciate it or offer to pay.

    Not keeping to her word.

    Thinking I’m trying to control her when I’m trying to help or at least understand her rationale.

  4. Basically any double standard. Doesn’t even matter what it is. If she wants a good listener but doesn’t listen, if she wants me to text her but never texts me, if she always says she wants some space but gets upset if I want space. I’ve heard the argument of “different people have different needs,” so great, she can try someone else, but for me, double standard is an almost immediate deal breaker

  5. Posts thirst traps of herself on the regular

    “Look how hawt & sexy I think I am!! Validate me!!!”


  6. Rudeness. I can overlook lots of things, but when someone is rude – especially to a service professional – it’s a dealbreaker.

  7. Cancelling plans last minute with no explanation other than “well we talked about it but I changed my mind”

  8. When she smokes, treating people who work at stores/restaurants/etc poorly and too much make-up are big turn offs for me.

  9. Expecting more of me than she expects of herself.
    (Bro I have legit unhealthily high expectations of myself I would never DREAM of expecting more out of someone else than I ask of myself)

  10. Insecurities. I’m not cheating on you, I’m not judging you, I’m not trying to change you.

    Jealousy is the fastest way to chase me away.

  11. Being mean – it seems childish to put it this way, but when people aren’t nice for no particular reason it just put me off.

  12. Someone who is dependent.

    I have my own struggles, and I am nowhere near perfect, nor will I ever be. I do appreciate a woman who has her own purpose, values, and interests.

    I value growth both together and at an individual level. I think both are necessary for a happy and healthy relationship, which is why dependence is a turn off for me.

  13. Being a dick/cunt/asshole/lustful to those you have ‘power’ over or are people paid to be nice to you. Retail workers, teachers, healthcare workers et cetera. Shit, even people that think it’s okay to assault and batter these workers because they have an understanding they won’t have action taken against them unless there is video proof/several witnesses.

    Not exactly a turn off in bed kind of thing, but more of turn off ‘i want nothing to do with you forever’ kind of way.

  14. Those nose ring things that make em look like BeBop from the Ninja Turtles.

  15. Women that need all of your attention all of the time. I have my own life ma’am.

  16. Anything that’s too fake. Such as insane amounts of makeup, plastic surgery, lip injections. It just turns me off a lot

  17. For me, smoking/drugs – while I have no issue with people doing either, I would definitely prefer my partner didn’t do any.

  18. Being screamed at.

    You can be the most amazing and series woman in the damn world, the moment you start screaming at me, my interest dies.

  19. One of my biggest turn offs is stupidity. I understand when someone is uneducated, but ignorance is not stupidity. When someone is unwilling or unable to learn from their mistakes, that’s stupid.

    For example, I dated a young woman who had three kids. She accidentally burned the two youngest the same way, not on purpose, just out of stupidity. You can’t set hot food in front of a toddler and expect them to wait for it to cool down, just because you tell them it’s hot.

    The worst part is, the two children where burned years apart. The same mistake, the same food, the same burn. Most parents wouldn’t be stupid enough to do this once, she did it twice. I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I at least learn from my mistakes.

    So yes, stupidity is a big turn off for me.

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