Had an encounter recently, i was super stoked about. all along they seemed kinda wishy washy, had a 1st date go really well, i thought we were going somewhere with it. Flames kinda died down, went abother month and a half w/o seeing each other so i had low expectations of the date, but things went really well again.

Weve been texting the whole time, but i thought maybe theyre just lonely wanting pen pal kinda thing. Nope! Hit a few diff stops on the date, chemistry is on point, finally i get a “lets go back to my place”

My heart raced the 30mins it took to get there, some really hot slow kissing……. thennnnnnnnn….. the dreaded dead dick. im talking the worst kind too, not a “pushing rope” kind, i mean turtle hiding from 4th of July fireworks. kinda got the ‘oh you must not be that into me vibe.’ couldnt be further from the truth!


i kinda realized, if i really like you, my nerves will bramp up and my junks less likely to work. meanwhile i can lay down concrete re-bar dick to people im barely attracted to LOL cruel irony


anyways, anyone else or just me?????

  1. Performance anxiety my friend. You might need some help from a little blue pill till you get comfortable with the person, then you should be able stop taking it.

    Happens to a shedload of people, nothing to worry about.

  2. The way you’re describing this suggests she’s out of your league (or your subconscious perceives her that way)

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