
I’m talking personalities, perspectives, socioeconomic or any differences you may have noticed. I’ve noted so very contrasting things for the men on either coast so I’m curious if mens findings coincides with mine.

  1. West coast people are chill, nice, and logical. East coast people are rude and illogical.

  2. I can’t really speak on the dating pool specifically but people on the East Coast generally are more blunt than people on the West Coast. Whether or not that’s a good thing depends on your point of view.

  3. The women are the west coast are not as forward. Women on the east love to be approached in my opinion and are more assertive.

  4. Murica?

    California 20 years ago was a barrel of fish. Women there tend to be plastic copies of whichever city stereotype was big where they were from. I ended up restricting myself to Mexicans and Asian immigrants because they had souls. Most Californian young women are really poor. You meet the occasional young woman there who has a family with money. That place was well on its way to shithole back then, I can’t imagine how much of a cultural wasteland it is now.

    Portland and Seattle weren’t trashed yet back then but a lot of the trendy young women were already so gross soap wouldn’t wash that off. Now. Ha. Fuck those places.

    There are some humans just East of the Rockies but now it’s not coastal anymore.

    Northeast? That’s where I’m from. Those cities are fish in a barrel. Plenty of nice Latinas with souls. Largely a cultural wasteland though. Seems easier to meet women who aren’t poor. Not just women from wealthy families but women with their own money. If you want soulless plastic NYC and Miami are the twin capitals of that.

    You can meet some real people going up or down. If you like black girls, the Carolinas were nice. Almost as nice as Alabama. As you go south you get more middle class added in and society is less stratified. It isn’t unusual to find poor people with houses.

    The best the east coast offers has to be Florida though. Women with souls. Every color of the rainbow. If you want soulless plastic that in Miami and you can grab a new one every night. If you don’t have a Miami bankroll, Orlando.

    **EDIT:TLDR** there is more variety on the east coast and a larger amount of women good enough to actually be dated. The West Coast is a cultural wasteland beyond what I had expected 20 years ago and has only gotten worse but thankfully Mexico is right there.

  5. “New Yorkers are the meanest nice people. People in LA are the nicest mean people.”

  6. Maybe back East/FL over the West Coast (unless you fit into the Los Angeles scene).There are still different regional cultures but not like when I was in college. Back then it was a huge culture shock for a California boy to visit NYC or The South. Like WTF lol. Seems like the Internet and Social Media have homogenized the dating market.

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