My gf and I (M) have had a conversation (casually) a few times about wanting to have a threesome with another girl.

We still need to discuss it properly about boundaries etc. but do think we’re both quite keen to add another girl to our sex life just once.

What I don’t know is once we’ve discussed boundaries etc, the best way to find a girl to sleep with?

We have to be a bit careful due to my gf’s job – if she was found to be posting herself online like that it would mess up her career, and i don’t think any of our friends would be down either, or think asking them would be a bit awkward (even if there is one of her friends I’d really love to fuck lol).

So any advice on how to find someone anonymously at the beginning would be great, thanks 🙂

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  2. Ah, you’re seeking a unicorn. Use an online profile that doesn’t show her face. And be patient. Unicorns are rare.

  3. Don’t ask friends, make a profile on lifestyle sites, the not being able to show your girlfriend’s face part might make it harder to find a unicorn though.

  4. Unpopular opinion here, I’m not against involving friends. Don’t get me wrong I understand the risks of it and potential fallouts but from my experience, it can definitely be successful! I’m still best friends with someone I had a threesome with 10 years ago.

    Of course it doesn’t hurt to bring in someone new the first time to gauge how you both feel and work through any jealousies or insecurities that might pop up. This will avoid losing a friendship. You can try your luck online or venture to a lifestyle club to meet likeminded people who might be interested. As others have pointed out, this can be difficult and take some time.

    If you do decide to go down the friend route, you can try casually bringing up sex related topics in conversation and segway into threesomes. This allows you to find out if they may be interested in joining before you straight out ask.

    Open and honest communication re boundaries, expectations, feelings etc with all parties is key to a positive experience. Aftercare is also important, for you and your girlfriend yes, but also for anyone you bring in as well so remember to discuss everyone’s needs beforehand.

    Sex with other people is fun, but sex with your girlfriend should always be your favourite so make sure you reinforce that in the time following your adventures.

    Goodluck and have fun!

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