I was waiting for my gf to come on call to talk with me on call, and when she finally did after a long while, she was playing a video game on her phone instead of having a conversation with me on phone which we always have before sleeping.

I also play that game, and had just closed it because I was tired and my eyes were drained. At the time, I was in no mood of playing that as it was 2 AM in the night and I was really tired. I told my gf that I have exited the game and now I’m waiting for her to close as well. I just wanted to spend time with her. She started asking me to launch that game on my phone and send her an in-game item which she needed at that time for whatever reason. I denied and explained to her that I’m tired and sleepy and don’t want to use my phone. I asked her to close that game and said she could play it tomorrow, as I was getting annoyed of her ignoring my presence and playing while on call with me.

She kept insisting anyways and I ended up opening the game and doing what she requested because I thought this would make her close the game.

She did close the game but she sounded really annoyed and started complaining how I don’t listen to her and don’t respect her. I tried explaining that I only didn’t do it as was really late and I didn’t want to open it. She got defensive and this quickly escalated into her being emotionally abusive about how I disrespected her and how I wronged her and hurt her. I tried to reason but it was no use as she was mad at me and didn’t listen to me at all.

She didn’t let me speak and cut me in the middle only to shout and yell at me. I wasn’t having any of her behavior as I was really confused how I hurt her to the extent that she started a fight and I ended up hanging up the phone because I also got really heated up from all the abuse that I was enduring. Then, I apologized for making her think that I disrespected her and explained that I had no intentions of doing so, I simply didn’t want to use my phone and wanted to talk to her. She rejected my apology and kept on with her accusations and how I always treat her like this. She said that I haven’t changed at all and it’s all my fault ( I made a promise of changing myself earlier as I had identified some shortcomings in me ).

I haven’t talked to her since, as I lost my cool, and said to her that I don’t want to talk to her. She said that she won’t talk to me either. Tbh I’ve been considering ending this relationship as this is not happening for the first time when I’m left feeling degraded, hurt and just terrible after trying to talk things out. This fight just seems too extreme for me and I can’t possibly ever understand why my gf started it over such a trivial matter as sending a gift in a mobile game. I fear that she is being this abusive over a non existent problem, how would she react if something big happened? I just can’t let my mind rest and wanted to let this out.

  1. Just walk away. That sounds really toxic over a video game item. Yeah, her reactions to real issues is not going to be fun.

    Your feeling matter in a relationship too. Just not to her.

    Please, for your own mental health, find someone who at least respects you.

  2. I agree that her reaction was unnecessarily aggressive, and you both sound toxic to each other, and you should break up. But please stop using the word “abuse” and “abusing” so casually when simply talking about a petty fight where there’s no actual abuse going on.

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