Being able to see thru people’s b.s is kind of a gift & a curse.I feel like in general; most people are either judgemental & feel like they are better than you, or are intimidated by you and feel threatened by you…there rarely is an in between. So when I find someone who is neither one of those things= it is rare! I can probably count on one hand the number of people who have been in my life or that I have ran across that are not giving either one of these bad vibes. It’s sad. And I’m tired of the fakeness of most people. The weirdness. The shade. The talking behind your back. It’s too much for someone who see’s people for who they are. It makes me have social anxiety, and just want to keep to myself.

  1. totally get it, friend.

    it’s frustrating. it’s hard for folks to believe it when someone does something without wanting some kind of reward. doubly so if they’re not the preaching type.

    i do like the weird ones though. the really cool weirdos have zero fucks about being anything other than they are. and those folks are pretty freaking cool.

  2. It takes effort to be non-judgemental, genuine and kind, at least initially, before it is internalised.

    Many people are just trying to get by with life and focusing on external stuff or people that they lack the time to sit down and focus back on improving themselves.

    And most people are just operating on autopilot because it is easier to do that than it is to change, so that’s why it is rare.

  3. you have to be fake. If you are not fake, you aint trying! you can not blame people for being fake.

  4. I’m non-judgemental, genuine and kind, but the thing is, I get then used or judged and it is getting on my nerves. Started to visit a therapist because of this.

  5. People esp in their younger years are just reflections of their parents’ views and ways they were raised. We spend a lot of our lives reforming our opinions. I find many people make mistakes but they don’t even mean it they’re just parroting things. I used to hate everything you said too. I feel like I care too much about authenticity in myself and in people (as others have told me through the years). But that’s just who I am. I’ve just changed how I see others and have more compassion for their mistakes.

  6. Man do I know how you feel. Waiting patiently for my people to show up

  7. I totally understand and sometimes it keeps me up thinking about social interactions. I want to try more, but my past experiences keep me in the same cycle kind of. I haven’t completely given up on people though I know there are good ones amongst us.

  8. For a lot of people, ‘who they are’ is a reflection of those around them, as they want to fit in.

    What those others around them are doing/are is less relevant than fitting in.

    Add global internet community values into the mix, and you have terrible people, and people that imitate them to ‘fit in’ with the global internet community.

  9. Go to a healthy 12 step recovery meeting, people there are authentic as. Addictive personalities are often overly empathetic and sensitive and when the substances are down, in order to stay well, they are challenged to live by program principles and. Values everyone would benefit from living by.

  10. I think you have a very warped worldview. These people are not becoming more scarce, but you are seeing them less often. Think about that one for a while if you want to. You will need to do some work before you are able to see them.

  11. Well the thing is that no one can truly be non-judgemental. We judge things every day and doing so makes our lives better. People are no different. If you find someone who is non-judgemental it just means that they haven’t told you their thoughts and opinions. If you don’t judge others then you will continue to get hurt by the same people over and over. Not to mention that people who are kind and genuine were always rare.

    Not only that but with the internet, people have begun doing more and more outlandish things for the sake of attention and many of it is hurtful and offensive things. Like for a while there was a trend where people would punch people on the back of the head and knock them out. Then there’s the Paul brothers who are entirely narcissistic and offend people for views. Just look at the dark side of Youtube or TikTok and you’ll find people doing horrendous things. Doess judging them make you a bad person? I should think not.

  12. Think a lot of ppl have trauma and lash out coz they dont know how to deal with it

  13. It is rare, and something I even struggle with.

    With alcohol though, I can literally feel myself become less judgemental, more charismatic, friendlier. I wish to be able to emulate that mindset all the time but it’s not easy

  14. I think the bigger problem is that people are not forgiving. Once they view somebody did something wrong it is hard for that person to be forgiven. People would rather exclude this person than give him/her a second chance. I think this mindset is brutal.

  15. I don’t know about you guys, but it seems to me this thread is filled with genuine, kind, semi-non-judgemental people. I want to sit around a fire and roast marshmallows singing kumbaya with you all. And I’m not even religious.

  16. The best thing we can all do is put kindness out into the world, even if it’s not always given by others. I find that the more kind and positive I am, the more I see those qualities in others too.

  17. I am also going to say look for them. If you look for the bad, it is easy to see.

    Find the good people. It takes a minute because their happiness and lack of guile can feel like it is fake.

    I knew a woman for 8 years before she could accept the good in me. She marched up to my desk and said, “You are for real, aren’t you?”

    I said, “What?” She then told me she had been waiting 8 years to see my mask fall, and it never did.

    Don’t be like her.

  18. Honestly just think the world is becoming more shitty and judgmental by the day. No wonder people truly don’t want to be themselves. Social media for u lmaoo

  19. Yeah they are rare, that means if you be that kind of person you are sought after

  20. They’ve always been rare. The problem is that these people have their kindness taken for granted or other people try to manipulate them. It’s so fucked up.

  21. I’m happy to know there are a lot of people on the same boat flowing through this vast ocean of time. Being kind and genuine isn’t hard. Literally, just be yourself. Be good to people. We’re taught this as kids, yet somewhere along the lines, we forsake ourselves and let life beat us down. I just lectured my younger brother and cousin on this, life is really simple. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.

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