What does it take to date you?

  1. Honestly, not much. You’re not competing with other people you’re competing with me. Are you worth my peace? Can we coexist? I like being on my own and I enjoy my own company. If we can sit in silence and not be bored, and you don’t stress me, that’s really all it takes.

  2. For a first date? Decency, reasonable intelligence, and a sense of humour.

    For multiple dates? Emotional intelligence and compatibility.

  3. 1: Enjoy the same passions I have, video games, anime, computers, these play a biiiiig role in my life, I want to date someone who loves them as much as I do

    2: Be in a somewhat good mental and physical state, I do a lot of walking around, I walk to the mall, to arcades, around conventions, I want someone who can walk with me and not risk passing out lol

    3: Be clean, I’m not a neat freak but I’ve dated people who literally pissed in bottles, not going to deal with that ever again lol

    4: Don’t be an asshole

  4. Not a lot. As long as I like spending time with her and think she’s attractive, that’s all it takes. We don’t need to have everything in common.

  5. I have to know you already, and then my demi brain has to recognize you as a possible sexual candidate. I do not get to decide who enters that category and there are no known triggers to doing so.

  6. Good hygiene, independent and motivated, someone who doesn’t involve themselves in drama, and likes to stay home rather than going out all the time. Someone who doesn’t trauma dump on you.

  7. Nothing. I decided I wanted to marry my husband from the start and told him that.

  8. As someone else said, not much. I am pretty financially independent and have my own place. I just like someone to spend some time with and do activities with. And someone who’s not going to be flaky and inconsiderate. I also don’t celebrate my birthdays or valentines days or any of those ridiculous holidays (don’t even celebrate Xmas) so no need to worry about gifts for me. I just enjoy a nice meal and good drink!

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