I have been talking to them since middle school but we recently became friends because of our classes this year. We exchanged numbers, usually only talking about academics.

We both have some level of interest in computer science, similar work ethics, similar humor and interest in shows.

They don’t hang out with people much, often I see them hanging out with their niece (similar ages) or being alone. I just recently started talking to them after school which is nice. Even our teacher often ask why she never sees us together outside of class cause we always talk and work together.

I really enjoy talking to them but don’t want to force them to be my friend if they aren’t interest in that type of stuff. She is really nice and I look up to her as she is a genius.

1 comment
  1. You could also ask/suggest to hang out. “Hey I enjoy talking with you, if you’d ever like to hang out sometime I’d be down”

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