This is a friendly PSA for everyone out there whose partner is a mother-

1. It is not just your kids job to celebrate her. And there is still time.
2. does not need diamonds, but she does need to be acknowledged according to her love language
3. You did need to make a reservation for that restaurant that you were planning to spontaneously take her to. Call now, but It is probably too late. A good alternative is to go to the store right now, get her favorite picnic food, find a spot & check the weather
4. Even if your partner says “i dont need a big show or presents” it is ALWAYS appreciated & PLANNING even the smallest thing for tomorrow will make her feel good. EDIT AGAIN- PLANNING TO FEEL GOOD CAN MEAN WORDS LIKE “GOOD JOB. THAT CAN BE IT. CAN WE APPRECIATE THE WORDS GOOD JOB”
5. Number four goes for every day not just Mother’s Day

Be a kind human this weekend to all the mothers, those who are struggling to be a mother, and those who have lost! Happy Mothers Day!

Edit: please keep this post positive. After every holiday there are posts from disappointed spouses that do not feel appreciated. This is just a nice reminder that intention thought & communication go a long way.

  1. This does not apply to everyone. When I say I donā€™t need a big show or presents, I mean it.

  2. šŸ˜Š

    This will be my first Motherā€™s Day. Iā€™m just glad that my husband is planning to make dinner and we get to spend time together as a family. He is definitely catering to my love languages (touch, quality time, and acts of service).

    He is making my fave. I love a good steak, so he is making picanha with some good sides! And we will be drinking wine! We plan to go to the park as well (depending, if too hot then the pool).

    And Iā€™ll be dressing up my Babygirl and we will do some pics. ā™„ļø

    It feels really good to feel appreciated. Pregnancy was rough, dealing with a new baby has been rough, breast feeding has been rough, and then post partum is kicking my tail. My husband showing appreciation just makes me feel special. šŸ„°

  3. Wife didn’t do anything for Father’s Day last year so she is getting the same this year.

  4. I have to disagree with number 4. Not a mother, but when I tell people I donā€™t want a show or presents I am being 100% honest. I absolutely hate getting gifts. And people putting stuff on for me when Iā€™ve asked that they donā€™t will result in me crying myself to sleep. This is not to be negative, just remember to put the needs of the person youā€™re celebrating first, even if itā€™s not how you would prefer to celebrate them.

    Sweet post, and happy Motherā€™s Day to all the mums!

  5. she definitely doesn’t need diamonds but diamonds do not have to be an arm and a leg either.

    my daughter and I were looking around for a necklace for her and got a great deal on a mother’s day diamond necklace for only $99 Canadian (normally $200).

    the jewelry stores are all having mothers day sales.

    its worth a look.

  6. Happy mother’s day!

    My plans for her:
    Sleep in
    Coffee in bed
    Breakfast – she doesn’t like to eat in bed
    Family time
    Family time with in laws
    I have a couple different plans for supper, but will pick up some BBQ and cook extra for left overs.

    Then I leave for two weeks for work. It’s great that I’ll be able to be there for the day, wish I could be there for bed time with the kids.

  7. #3 is not universal. My wife doesn’t like fancy restaurants, and she *certainly* doesn’t like trying to get into fancy restaurants on big “event” days like Mother’s Day when they’re super-crowded.

    My wife already told me what she wants for Mother’s Day: she wants sex, and she wants me to plant a lilac tree in the front yard. I’ve got the lilac tree in a pot, and I’ll plant it tomorrow. Then I’ll go to Chatime with our son and we’ll get her a Jasmine Milk Bubble Tea from Chatime, because that’s her favourite.

  8. I wonder if this much info will be peddled when it’s almost Father’s Day. (It won’t).

  9. Happy Motherā€™s Day!

    I didnā€™t even get a happy Motherā€™s Day from my partner. (Itā€™s almost 7pm here) He didnā€™t even open my messages from this morning.

    I let him move away to follow his dreams, while I stay at home work full time as a teacher and full time as a mom. While he has been working on an island away from us opening his own business for the last 5 months.

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