There are lot of people in my life that i want them, not in a needy way but in a wanting way if I’m making any sense.

When i look at myself, I’m not as wanted by people. I tried a lot to look for the things and patterns but couldn’t find anything.

Hoping to get any help, opinion or advice from you redditors!!

  1. This basically boils down to two key components:

    1. You have to have a strong sense of personal worth. (It’s difficult to fake this.)

    2. You have to feel you are bringing something of value to other people. You’re less focused on how they will view you, or “if” they’ll accept you. Instead, you flip that script and you KNOW you’re bringing good things to them, and YOU are the one who shows acceptance to THEM.

    Now, I’ve made it sound so easy by boiling it down to two things, but we all know creating a sense of personal worth can sometimes be VERY difficult if you lack confidence. And how do you ‘bring positive things’ to others when you’re worried about being accepted by them?

    Eh, that’s more for another post, or maybe I’ll write an article on the topic! But that’s what you need to have people WANT to be your friend.

  2. I understand the concept. But i need examples of how people act towards you

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