I’m gonna be honest, I think that I might be biologically/psychologically doomed here. So I have five roommates sharing an apartment, and they talk to each other every two days in the living room. These girls somehow laugh together every three or so sentences, and as such I have been avoiding sitting with them because it is incredibly hard for me to laugh, and I don’t want to bring down the vibe with my .\_. face.

Has anybody here been able to “train” themselves to laugh? I have often been the only person in the group not laughing with my friends, and it makes me feel awkward when that happens.

I don’t think the issue is my lack of humor- I’m actually pretty good at making jokes, but I never laugh at my own. What are your thoughts?

I’m also cool with the fact I might just not be able to “vibe” with people in that way, and that it’d be fine to stay out of their talking.

  1. Do they have a closer bond with each other than with you? Or as you know, some people are naturally born flatterers and seems you’re not.

  2. Yes, I notice this a lot, mostly women. It is a good thing to do but I suck at it, maybe it’s possible to learn.

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