It could range from little things like never being on top of dishes to serious things like addiction. Are you creatively blocked? Feel aimless with work?

What can you just not seem to move forward with, no matter what you’ve tried?

  1. Stuck with shitty job been trying to get out but cannot, least not yet.

    Trying to move past my Dad’s cheating incident. Still stuck with that.

    Can’t move on and/or disown my Mum for being abusive.

    and lastly, still enduring my health issues that seems harder to cure each day.

  2. Stuck with unfulfilling job that I can’t afford to lose with the economy.

    Stuck between having to lose either my family or my partner. Either marry the man I love or lose my relationship with my controlling religious parents because he is not religious. I definitely intend to marry my boyfriend but the reality of having my parents further cut me out of their lives is painful and makes me fearful and avoidant.

    Stuck with imposter syndrome about being able to perform well with my side hustle even though I have 12 years experience and i produce consistent, excellent results for my clients.

    Stuck with unfulfilling friendships and feeling lonely because I fundamentally don’t feel like I fit in or belong anywhere even thought people generally seem to like me and often invite me out. I used to have an endless, recharging social battery but in the last couple years I’ve felt like an iPhone that’s running on 10%. I peter out quickly and need time to recharge.

    Stuck with not being able to lose 10 freaking lbs. I’d be so much more agile and nimble on hiking trails. I’d also feel so much better in my swimwear and work clothes but I am eternally stuck in this salivary satisfaction loop of snacking and can’t seem to generate any self discipline.

  3. Boredom. I’m middle aged, work an office job, own a house and I’m a stick in the mud, frumpy old lady. Just can’t seem to get out of the mindset and get off the couch and go do stuff.

  4. I am currently stuck in an abusive household. I struggle to find a job, which isn’t going to finish me mentally. I already feel like I am on my last resources. I used to feel strength in my creative cloud, but as of lately I am not even capable of constructing a sentence, let alone anything else…

  5. College.

    I just can’t seem to make it through, no matter how many times I try or how close I get to finishing. Something always happens. Either my mental or physical health betray me, or something goes so wrong in my life that I’m forced to drop out. It never fails.

  6. Stuck in a job where I’m not passionate about it and want to find a new career path. But having trouble figuring out what to do next.

  7. Stuck in a tedious job with a long commute and coworkers that don’t like me. I don’t have time or the pto to do interviews and haven’t been able to find any jobs in my actual city anyway.

    Stuck in a state that’s rapidly and cheerfully taking away my rights and trying to make being trans illegal.

    Stuck being dutiful and obedient to parents whom I don’t like being around anymore because they have drunk the fox news koolaid and forgotten what empathy is, if they knew.

    Stuck in depression and anxiety spirals and hoping each day that I don’t wake up or that something happens to remove me permanently from this boring dystopian nightmare.

  8. Dead end job. Dead end degree. Been single for 10 years. Renting. Dying/palliative parents and really nothing exciting happening at all.

  9. I’ve recently emerged from a depressive spell to find that I don’t *like* things anymore. I have basically no interests. How am I supposed to be an interesting person when I don’t care about anything?

    My hobbies are just ways to pass time, I don’t read anymore, don’t want to do things outside the house, food I used to love like sweets are repulsive after two bites, movies are predictable and cliche.

    It’s like that episode of South Park where Stan stops enjoying everything because it looks like shit to him. That’s where I’m at.

  10. Depression. Can’t get a handle on it. Been medicated for years. In and out of therapy.

    Books. Art. Music. Yoga. Trying all the things that are supposed to bring peace, but my brain says no.

  11. My severe body image issues stemming from having spent most of my life obese and being treated like dog shit for it.
    I’m now close to being slim but the idea of being lovable and having someone be truly interested in me romantically and (gasp) sexually is a laughable concept to me.

    This feeling has held me back in sooo many different ways, especially when it comes to connecting with others. In my mind, no one can truly love me and anyone who says that or even hints at finding me attractive is being manipulative and/or mocking me.

  12. Trying to start a business but struggling to put away the extra cash. I’m planning to work extra hrs this week so hopefully I’ll be unstuck soon 🙂

  13. Suspected ADHD. My therapist is pretty convinced, but there’s a waitlist for the diagnostic test, and I’m unsure whether or not medication is going to be helpful anyway. In the meantime I’m stuck in a constant cycle of paralysis at work. I’m constantly bored and under stimulated, and I often spend hours and hours on my phone because I can’t bring myself to do any of my work, then I jump into hyper-fixation mode and scramble to get everything done before the deadline. It’s been like this at every job I’ve had and at school. I can’t maintain hobbies, housework is hard to keep up with, and even watching TV is impossible to focus on so I’m constantly between a dozen different tasks and nothing ever gets finished. It’s super exhausting.

  14. Not finding the motivation to complete my post grad
    Existing in a constant state of anxiety
    Wanting to end my marriage and start fresh yet being frustrated that my marriage didn’t turn out as it should have.
    Just wanting to end it all because life is a pain and not worth it anymore

  15. Mid 20’s and I’m stuck in figuring out how to save because it seems to go away quickly with all of these expenses and bills. Trying to save for a house but I live in a HCOL

  16. $$. Finally made a move today to solve something I was too scared to do years ago.

    Love. My ex falling out of love with me hurt me so much. I’m frozen in that regard.

    Family. It’s getting toxic and I want to leave but I can’t since I’ve taken on the task of providing.

  17. I feel stuck with my anxiety and more precisely social anxiety. The more I understand about myself and other people, the more I understand how stuck I am. It stops me from doing pretty much everything. I am still fighting it and working on it with a therapist, I really hope one day I can live my life by my owns rules and not in the fear of judgement from others.

  18. I struggle with stress-related binge eating, so I put on a lot of weight due to the pandemic and family issues and the whole general *everything* going on right now. I’m very active, but dieting is hell on my mental health – I feel like the constant need for calorie counting and self-denial exacerbates my anxiety, which causes stress, which makes me intensely hungry, which makes me gain weight, which makes me obsess over calories… it’s a vicious cycle. I spend *way* too much time thinking about the food I want to eat and the food I shouldn’t eat and the food in my fridge that will go to waste if I don’t eat it and the food that I should be eating to meet my fiber/protein targets. It wastes so much of my mental energy. I just want to not have to think about food 24/7.

  19. Getting my own transportation. I have poor credit, love basically paycheck to paycheck, and the car market has been really bad for a few years now. Even used cars prices are elevated.

  20. Stuck financially. I could probably get some desk job making more money than I do now, but when I did have a desk job I was completely miserable. It is not worth it. Most days I really like my job, and it keeps me active and outdoors. My partner is making more than we thought was possible just a few years ago, but with prices of everything rising, it doesn’t feel like it. I want to get out of the stress of having credit card debt and start saving.

  21. Waiting on USCIS so I can actually be with the love of my life. Depressed in the meantime.

  22. Making deep, meaningful connections with people. I don’t know when last I laughed until I cried or felt like I was connected via higher “powers”. I miss that.

  23. I have zero motivation whatsoever. I’m in a poor financial situation, I’ve let myself get quite overweight and unfit (which is very alien territory to me), I just am in an overall slump I can’t seek to haul myself out of.

    Depression is definitely a factor, but I feel very, very stagnant right now.

  24. I’m stuck at an extremely stressful job with mandatory overtime (50-60+ hours a week) but it pays so well I can’t quite bring myself to quit and get a different job

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