Just turned 23 last week but have been overweight since got out of high school. When I try to start up a routine, I will find a way to end it and just go back to the same bad habits that don’t benefit me in any way. I want to better. Basically just here to ask how I can stay accountable and build better, more beneficial habits. Any tips and tricks you guys have learned? Anything helps at this point.

  1. Unless there’s something physically stopping you. Then you just don’t want it bad enough and lack motivation to achieve it.

  2. Go to the gym with a friend. It’s a great way to start the habit because you are accountable to someone else

  3. For me it took learning moderation. I used to be very much all or nothing, meaning when I was going for it, it would be strict diet, workout hard daily, etc. I could keep it up for a while with great results – then crash. I had to learn to become okay with moderation and slow progress that I could maintain over the long haul.

  4. Focus on smaller habits. Stop trying to change too quickly.

    Instead of “I’m gonna go to the gym everyday”, make it “I’m just gonna track my calories but not change anything” or “I’m gonna have a protein shake for breakfast everyday”. Once you’ve got those small habits incorporated into your life.. add another and keep adding.

  5. I like some answers already in the thread, especially the ones highlighting making small changes and building up from them.

    I’d add to those: make it inconvenient for you to ignore the changes. You want to wake up earlier? Plug your alarm in across the room, now you have to get out of bed to turn it off. Take a multivitamin everyday, keep it on the front lip of your sink, or in an obvious “in the way” spot on your kitchen counter.

  6. Find exercises that you like, and then just force yourself to do them 3-4 days a week.

    I suggest early mornings as the gym will be less busy, and you won’t have the day to make excuses not to go.

    I suggest trying weight training(watch videos on good form beforehand) and copy someones beginners routine or try stronglifts 5×5 for the first year.

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