Just in terms of physical attractiveness/unattractiveness/don’t care. I don’t have any piercings.

  1. I find them attractive if they aren’t too big. Once they get large it takes away from your physical features

  2. I personally think they’re tacky, distracting, and can make someones face too busy.

    But that’s just my 2 cents, obviously everyone’s their own person and can do what they want.

  3. Hopefully, you didn’t pierce through cartilage, because that’s going to be a nasty infection that takes longer to heal. Otherwise, pierce it up. Express yourself. Also, fine with tattoos. In fact, I prefer tattoos on people. Makes me want to get a tattoo. My first tattoo, going to get either a full sleeve or a small one under my wrist, and then a full sleeve after that.

  4. I have both sides and a septum, I’m 28/f and I love them. I’ve had them since 17 and I work in my professional career with no issues. Super cute and adds a little razzle dazzle.. if you don’t love it you can always take them out

  5. I’m gen X we did the barb wire tats, flannel shirts and tramp stamps but we also gave you Keanu Reeves (your welcome by the way)so who am I to complain. But I will….I hate them. But I think it’s because nearly every women has them making them non conformists that are actually conforming to a trend.

  6. I find it off-putting. Often I’m thinking “she’d be attractive if she didn’t have this”.

  7. I absolutely hate them.
    They invariably make a think of a cow when I see them.

  8. i love them! a lot of people don’t, but i wouldn’t date someone who doesnt like the way my piercings and tattoos look anyway

  9. Not attractive to me. Same with ear gauges and tattoos. Just my preference on appearance.

  10. Well Im definetly in the minority here, but I hate basically every piercing. The one exception is belly button, that one is pretty hot.

    Having said that folks are free to do whatever, and it wouldn’t be a dealbreaker if I liked the person.

  11. Nose rings are part of my culture, especially married women. So, I am going to get them and raised to believe they look cute.

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