Do guys feel more pressure the older they get? If so, why?

  1. I don’t really worry about Societal Norms, I just want to make pottery and get high

  2. Maybe we do, but many of us run out of fucks to give by that point 🤷🏽‍♂️ Honestly with this whole dismantling of “patriarchal world” going on, most men don’t even know what they should be working towards, never mind feeling actual pressure to achieve it.

  3. *”Do guys feel more pressure the older they get?”*

    For what?

    These questions that ask for a yes/no answer and then ask why/why not are getting ridiculous.

  4. Lol no. The older you get the more you grumpy u get. Only pressure I feel is my body is decaying and I have so much more work I need to get done before than.

  5. You’re supposed to be married, kids, own your own home, successful, etc by your age.

  6. depends on the culture . in mine a man who doesn’t marry earlier in life is not as respected as a family man. you feel pressured to get married and have babies. you feel pressured to have a better paying job.

  7. A lot do because they are expected to be more and more successful, affluent and overall experienced/excited with age.

  8. Not really. Im 32 and single. My coworkers said Im too picky and should just find a woman to marry. To hell with that. Most married couples I know are unhappy. Id like to get married eventually but I am in zero rush. Id much rather be single and date, looking for a good match, than tie myself to some random woman because she’s alright.

  9. It probably depends on where in life they actually are.

    For me, I have a lot more pressure on myself because I haven’t “made it” as a person – I don’t have a career, for example.

    Once one “makes it,” the pressure probably goes away, though that obviously depends on personality and preference. I’m not very enthused about marriage and relationships right now, so I pretty much ignore all the pressure from that place in my life.

  10. If anything, I now feel less pressure than I felt three, five, seven years ago. While I’m still 26, there’s just not much to worry about.

    Got a job that I love, and that presents decent opportunities. Not going to get a wife/family or children – that ship has sailed, plus my brothers got the bloodline covered.. it’s a simple life. All I gotta do is perform my work duties well.

  11. No granted im only 29. its different for guys because im just starting to make good money and i can have kids whenever i want. so settling is really not even n option for me rn maybe when im 40 and wiser. one thing for sure most american women arent worth marriage unless they are really religious.

  12. I never did. The only pressure I ever felt was the responsibilities I created w myself: marrying a terrible mom, house, career, agreeing to pay for private school….

  13. Only from your parents. I’ve known guys who didn’t exactly get off the ground, or failed and had to start over again. And they did, successfully: in their 30s, their 40s, even their 50s: started new careers, got married, all that. So it’s always possible. But you get to write you own life script, and you don’t have to do _any_ of that as long as you lead a life with any kind of direction that satisfies _you._ Edit: and failure is a _serious_ learning experience. Teaches you a lot that you can put to use.

  14. Less of a pressure and more of an itch for me. Like, “I can’t stand it anymore I have to ____” instead of “man, I should have done ___ by now”.

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