Do you guys feel more inclined to talk to a girl when she starts dating another guy?

  1. Yeah, because then I don’t have to worry about her liking me because she’s already taken.

  2. Nope! Op what you’re describing only applies to women. Ladies are more inclined to talk to a man if they see him dating other women. For us guy’s it the opposite. We don’t want to talk to her anymore!

  3. No, I don’t feel particularly more inclined to talk to anyone regardless of what they do, unless I like her, then I feel less inclined to talk to her for obvious reasons

  4. I’ve seen this with younger guys. A hot girl is dating an average to below-average guy. Then idiot insecure guy now thinks he has a chance because he thinks he’s better than the new boyfriend.

  5. if I’m friends with the guy sure, but otherwise that would have no effect or push me away

  6. It’s the other way around for me – if I see that she’s taken, I’m no longer interested in pursuing her romantically.

  7. Hard no. If she is dating someone else she clearly doesn’t want me, and if she does she should let the other guy go. Jealousy tactics never work.

  8. If I talk to a girl you mean flirt with a girl, then I am less inclined to do so.

  9. You mean the whole “the toddler didn’t want the ball until the other one was playing with it”-thing? Nah.

  10. In a romantic way? No, it pushes me away. Same for most guys in my experience

  11. Only if there’s anything to talk about, or how things were before she started dating someone else.

  12. Only if she asks for directions or if the conversation is necessary (i.e. co-worker).

    If by “talking” you mean pursue romantically, definitely no.

  13. Nope. She’s either interested in me and not interested in someone else, or I have better things to do.

  14. Uh, no, 99% of men do the opposite. Any guy who’s more interested in a woman *because* she’s dating someone is a toxic @#$%, and she’d do well to steer very clear of him.

  15. very much the opposite. you start dating someone, it’s like i wont ever write or call you ever again unless it’s because of mutual friends. Basically you need to put in the work to keep the friendship alive.

  16. If internet experts are to be believed, this is more common among women than among men.

    Personally, I would move away from a woman who is dating another man because I am in no mood to compete and engage in unnecessary drama. I’d rather channel my energies elsewhere. I don’t believe in the ‘fight for her love’ trope used in movies.

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