So I’m 24 & I can not get aroused AT ALL. Is there any medication I can get prescribed ? 😩 my doctor knows & she says it’s normal after having a kid. (That was two years ago) But I miss my sex life so bad. Like I have tried almost EVERYTHING. They’ve checked my hormone levels, everything is normal. Like what can I even do at this point. I hate being touched, I don’t want my spouse to touch me. It’s not them, it’s me. But I miss it all.

  1. This sounds more like a psychological issue than a physical one. I think its a mental block of some kind, maybe there’s help through therapy or counseling?

    I know nothing about the effects of child birth though so I could be completely out to lunch here.

  2. At twenty-five years of age, my body fails to respond to the most basic of stimuli. Is there any pharmaceutical remedy that might be obtained through a physician’s prescription? I have spoken to my doctor, and she informs me that such a reaction is common after childbirth, but that was two years ago. My longing for the passionate embrace of intimacy has become unbearable. I’ve tried nearly everything, and my hormone levels have been scrutinized with little to no abnormality detected. What am I to do now? It’s not my partner’s fault that I detest being touched and long to be touched all at once. Have you ever encountered such a thing? If so, what solutions have you discovered?

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