She said she was aiming to lose weight for her holiday because started to notice getting rolls and I said she looked fine and I didn’t notice anything. Then I said ‘I get it though, you wanna be able to feel confident’ and mentioned how I gained loads of weight since WFH. Was this okay? It’s such a touchy subject

  1. Depends on the person honestly, but I usually say similar.

    I start with “oh, I think you look great!”
    Then I follow with pretty much similar to what you said, “it’s all about how you feel in your own body though isn’t it?”
    Sometimes adding a personal touch as you did too, “I know how hard it can be sometimes, I gained X lbs a while ago and it took a lot of time and work to feel comfortable again.”




    I’d say your response was good overall.

  2. I think that was a good response. Different people have different relationships with their weight. I think that’s why we get so awkward if it’s brought up in conversation – we’re just not sure what the other person wants to hear. I try to keep the conversation normal. So I would’ve probably replied “Cool, what do you have planned for your vacation?” And just let them talk about either the weight loss plans or the vacation. if they don’t talk much, I would ask about the holiday because that’s genuinely what I’m more interested in.

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