We (M33) (F29), have been dating for 6 months and she has a very strong scent. I don’t mean that in a bad way, I can be sitting next to her and suddenly get a nose full of her scent. It makes me horny, it smells amazing, even after a long day at work. She always tastes and smells good. I’ve never had that before, no woman I have been with has ever had a bad tasting or smelling pussy before. They are usually alright but I’ve never been able to smell one through clothes and some distance away before. I know most guy’s like the smell and taste of pussy, I guess I’m just curious on why one is so much more of a turn on than others. Is there a biological reason, different compatibility or something?

  1. Look up Wedekind et al, which is a psychological experiment that explored the same (relationship between pheromones and attractiveness)

  2. Pheromones, I guess, but I must say that she is one lucky gal. I’d love to turn on a guy with just my smell.

  3. My partner says this about me too. But when I got my IUD inserted, the smell lessened. So it’s a bit sad but apparently still smell and taste good just not as strong of a scent as before. I do believe we also have an insane chemistry (quite literally in this case?) that the pheromones call to him :p

  4. Good pussy is just good pussy 🤷🏼‍♂️ if you ever figure that out I’d also like to know the secret of the universe… and where my wife wants to go for dinner. /s

  5. This is how I feel about my husband’s armpits. 🫠 🤭we’ve been together almost 15 years.

  6. Smell is the biggest turn on when you find someone you’re biologically compatible with.

    Its a problem with the hormonal birth control pills because they change the smell that women are attracted to. Then they get off it and they don’t like their partners smell any more.

  7. I have read before that being super into each other’s body odors and aromas is an indicator of compatible immune systems. No idea if it’s true or not, but when I think of how vaginas and guts and mouths and skin all have their own sets of flora, it makes sense that we’d like the smell of “home” on somebody else, kinda.

  8. Same with my current partner. Her smell is incredible and can smell it when we’re just chilling in bed. It drives me crazy.

  9. Some are more compatible like liking certain cannabis for its aroma meaning it is gonna healthy and treated right

  10. definitely biological.. is she on the pill? i ask because women i’ve been with who were not on the pill get wetter and have strong scent. i love it!

  11. I’m like this with my wife as well, but usually she has to have at least her pants off.

    If she ever sleeps naked and I stick my head under the covers, it’s an instant erection for me.

    It’s a phenomena that was taught to me in school. Supposedly it means that you would make awesome babies.

    For the record, I have a kid with my wife, and the kid is awesome.

  12. I had this with an extra of mine. I could smell when she was wet or on her period. Different scents but distinct. I had to be close to her. I don’t think anyone else would have noticed unless they were close and knew what that smell was. No other women I have been with have been like it.

  13. Some women are just deliciously fragrant.

    Very rare occasions can be a little different. I used to date a girl in college who had to have a kidney transplant when she was young, like 17, anyway she was on some sort of anti rejection drugs that made it very strong.

    Not bad. I’m an animalistic pheromone guy anyway. I’m disappointed if I can’t smell her all over me after a long session anyway but in her case it was exceptional and one time I asked her and she explained it and never bothered me again

  14. I’m the same w my husband. His skin & hair smell so fuckin good, even after he’s been working all day. I literally can’t get enough of his scent. I’ve never experienced it w anyone until him. Idk if it’s cos I’m so in love or if we’re just that compatible but… i feel this

  15. I have the same exact thing going on…..and it’s really hard for me cuz my gf doesn’t like to wear pants around the house. I swear all I can think about is chowin down everytime she enters a room I’m in

  16. That’s her Pheromones.. they are chemicals that your body produces, so it means that your body chemistry matches up well and you’re just drawn to her scent more.

  17. YES, I feel you man, just the lightest scent of her gets me super turned on, especially if I’m laying in her lap, doesn’t matter what she is wearing, I can always feel it, makes me crazy

  18. Is the drip, waterfalls lol is how i get around my man straight pussy juice everywhere and he devours it. I get super horny around my man 24/7 and is probably the same for your gf 🥰

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