(30F) Trying to think of things my partner and I could incorporate into our lives. Our sex is top notch but I’d also like to add some things that are not directly sexual. They may or may-not lead to sex, just trying to give us other things that we can do to bring us closer together!

Ex: Them washing my hair

  1. Massage with coconut oil, 100%. You have given a massage before, but doing it with any kind of massage oil is way more fun to give and receive, it’s like a totally different thing.

  2. Not sure if this counts, but making out? I think it’s a far underrated and rushed activity of foreplay.

  3. Bring you breakfast in bed.

    Brush your hair.

    Massage your feet. Or back/shoulders.

    Pour you a hot bath.

  4. Naked cuddles, scheduled massages from eachother, kissing, hold hands, exercising together, dancing to some romantic songs, send loving text messages, scheduled traditions (can be cultural, religious etc) showering together.

  5. Prolonged eye contact. It’s one of the most intimate things you can do with a partner

  6. Playing with each other’s hair, he’ll brush my hair for hours, and I’ll run my fingers/scratch his head for hours. Snuggling, cooking together, cleaning the house together, playing with our cats.

  7. He gives me lots of massages and I rub his face and head. We take baths together almost every night.

  8. My gf and I lay down and watch tv in bed every night for a couple hours before sleep

  9. What is her love language? That could help narrow it down.

    Back scratches and back massages. Ask her deep questions and be interested in her answers. Hugs from behind. Random words or appreciation and validation. Recognize and thank her for when she does things for you. Take care of her car maintenance. Cook her a meal.

    Good luck.

    Remember, foreplay begins OUT of the bedroom.

  10. Watching them shave/apply make up or lotion. Sleeping together. Something about being around another human at their most vulnerable moments.

  11. Honestly we cuddle all the freaking time. If I’m near him, some part of us is touching. He does this thing where he has his arm around my shoulder and he lightly strokes the top of my shoulder and I just love it. If it’s too hot then we touch ankles or feet. If I’m cold he warms me up and snuggles the covers over my shoulders.

  12. When my bestie slides her hand against me after a hug. She’s not big on touching and it means the world to me.

  13. I love that you said washing your hair. My partner blow dries mine and occasionally braids it for me. I love love love it, it makes me feel so cared for. He is a rough around the edges sort of man, too – you’d never guess he would enjoy doing that for me. Makes me happy.

  14. Me and hubby have been married 19 years, 20 next month. We like to hold hands when we sleep facing each other. It’s just special to us.

    About every other day we’ll send the dumbest sex memes that we can find to each other. We love laughing at stupid shit together, it makes us horny. Strange perhaps, but we’ve always been a little strange.

  15. Since I’ve been in my third trimester of pregnancy, I have struggled with pain and and, obviously, this big ol’ belly. My husband and I shower together every day, and every single day he will wash my body without hesitation. He also offers to shave my legs and downstairs area. He’s so gentle with me and just him doing these things for me without me even having to ask is so special to me. It’s one of the most intimate things I’ve ever experienced.

  16. Holy shit I can’t believe I’ve already scrolled this far down and haven’t seen HUGS. WTF people…

  17. Cuddling with her on top while i run my hands up and down her back and over her hips and waist and butt. Occasionally playing with her hair

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