Friend said “I miss you” over text and I’m not really sure how to respond. It was over snap so she can see that I’ve opened and not responded for a few hours. Thanks in advance.

  1. Do you miss her or on good enough terms that it makes sense she misses you? It’s easiest to just say you miss her too.

    Otherwise you don’t have to say you miss her back but you could ask her how she’s doing or something general.

  2. She might be going through a hard time and in need of someone to talk to, you could just say Aw thanks that’s nice to hear I’m missed, are you ok?

  3. Why do so many here think not knowing how to respond means they don’t care about the other person? If so op wouldn’t post this. Dealing with sudden emotions like that can be overwhelming

  4. “Me too bro, Let’s hang out. I’ve been getting into rock climbing lately, want to go bouldering or see a Hitchcock screening?”

  5. If you miss her: i miss you too
    If you don’t miss her: I’m here for u 🙂 what’s up?

  6. My best friend and I say ‘love you’ and/or ‘miss you’ almost every time we speak and also over text but then it is a mutual feeling. If it isn’t then that makes it harder.

  7. “I miss you, too” if it’s true, “thanks for thinking of me, how are you” if you don’t.

  8. Just respomd. “Great to hear from you. Let’s catch up soon”

  9. Is this a joke or a real post?? I mean Christ I’ve got social anxiety but good lord, it’s not rocket science to figure out how to respond to your friends… this sub can be quite the epitome of sad sometimes…

  10. Idk i had a friend who rarely answered me if i started the convo but then would txt me like once a year about missing me so i started being like
    you know where to find me the rare time you look

  11. Sometimes I miss people too but it feels uncomfortable saying those kinds of things for me because I’m not used to saying it for one and when I have it didn’t feel right because of what I’m used to.

    But if you do also miss them I’d say just say it back in what ever words feel best.

    You can even add I don’t usually say this so it feels awkward but I miss you too.

    That helps me a lot too

  12. “Hey, what’s up?” I wouldn’t tell people I miss them if I don’t miss them.

  13. You left her on open for a few hours💀💀💀 that’s the worse possible response wth💀

  14. AND IM SO SORRY 🎵🎵🎵

    Note this only works if you are/were of a specific age and social grouping

  15. I miss you too. Simple. Unless you don’t like her? Then tell her. You don’t tell, she doesn’t know.

  16. Response: Hello how are you? is appropriate. Grown folk don’t send frivolous texts without a mature conversation. This isn’t worth racking your brains over. Frivolous texts deserves either no direct response at all or a simple hello.

  17. bro I’ve been contemplating how to say “i miss you” to my friend too :’)

  18. If a friend ever said that to me I would call them and have a good old fashioned heart-to-heart happy chat.

  19. Just realized how socially awkward I am. I just mimic the response back most times. “I miss you….too”.

  20. “Miss you too, how have you been? What’s been going on?” Add on, “let’s do something”

  21. Usually I respond to my friends, when they say that stuff randomly with “miss you everyday” because it’s true ❤️

  22. I used to avoid saying ‘I miss you’ as I thought it implies that one or the other of us should be somewhere we’re not. If you don’t want to say I miss you, but you are close to them, you could say ‘I’ve been thinking about you too’ or ‘Same. Let’s hang out soon’ if you’re not close you could say ‘hi, what’ve you been up to?’ Or ‘Aww, how was your weekend?’

  23. “Miss you too friend.” Hard to construe that as anything other than platonic.

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