What are you holding onto that’s holding you back? And why haven’t you let go?

  1. The thought of my ex.

    She and I broke up in 2019, and it seriously messed with my head. I had a full-on breakdown over the next few months. I haven’t let go because that time with her was the only time I’ve known peace in my soul, and the only time I didn’t feel out of place.

  2. My house. It’s very small but charming. I hold on to it because it represents the selves I was while I lived here.

  3. Thoughts if my ex, been together since 2018 and she broke up with me in 2022 for another dude, most likely cheated on me with him at some point to.

    Ive been doing my best not to think about her but its hard after founding out when they got together (shortly after breaking up with me) and she never reassured me that they’re weren’t doing “things” (only knew the guy for 4 months)

  4. Events from my childhood. I’m trying to accept what happened and move on and thats why I’m seeking help

  5. My past mistakes.

    They led me to be the person I am and the circumstances I’m in today. And I don’t like either

  6. *”What are you holding onto that’s holding you back?”*

    Variations of this question being asked daily in this subreddit. Just when I’m ready to do something some redditor post this and I’m held back man!

    *”And why haven’t you let go?”*

    Because karma farmers keep asking this question. I’ll let it go when stop posting it!

    Now excuse me I need to take off my tinfoil hat and pants and some rocks to eat!

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