So I met this girl and we’ve been seeing each-over for a little while and really enjoy each-overs company. We stay up until 6 just talking through the night about anything and everything , we play games and makeup little things to do with, we really understand one another and she’s capable of talking about real things interestingly. She is the person I enjoy hanging out with the most I’ve ever done purely conversation-wise, she’s leagues above my own childhood friends and ex’s. But the problem is I’m 21 and she’s 35. So I broke up with her because I wanted someone younger but everyone I’ve dated since just hasn’t clicked the same. They’ve been nice to talk too, enjoyable and funny even.but no one I’ve met since has been the same. Also my parents don’t know and it would seem very strange to everyone around me and as someone already concerned with how I come across this wouldn’t be great. She made it clear that we could get back together and even said that she’s had more relationships than me and most people don’t ever find something as good. But I don’t want to spend my youthful years with someone older then regret it. Do I get back together and potentially regret not seeing what’s out there or do I keep looking for something I might not find? Any advice would be appreciated

  1. Why do you have to regret it? A few things I learned growing is that it does not matter the age if she makes you happy and you are having fun, why not continue. You don’t have to sacrifice your youth because of something silly has that. Live and have a good life.

  2. If you’re concerned with the age gap… This isn’t the relationshipfor you. Don’t waste her time.

  3. The fact you fear regret is your answer. You enjoyed time with her but you said it yourself you can’t get past age. It’s not unreasonable to want to experience all stages of life with someone .

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