I (M/34) have Cerebral Palsy (from birth).

I’ve been sexually active since I was 27. But now find myself in a dry spell (close to 18 months now)

I could go out and find a brothel. But they’re either too expensive or I feel like there aren’t many wheelchair friendly people in said brothels.

How can I get my feelings met while also trying to find someone comfortable enough to see past the chair?

  1. There are sex workers who will cater to disabled clients in the clients’ homes but don’t know how common that is. When I use dating apps I quite often see visibly disabled people on there who will make a little quip about using a mobility aid and “if you don’t like it swipe left”. So there’s definitely people out there managing to date, and if people aren’t mature enough to even talk about the topic you know they’re a waste of time anyway

  2. If you’re already thinking brothel, maybe an escort? I just skimmed your profile, and I’d guess you should be able to find them easily legally in Australia. I’m sure some of them are wheelchair friendly and if not they can recommend others who are. Otherwise, I’m really not sure the best way to go about it.

    Edit: Maybe go with the dating apps and just put it out there along with all your best selling points and send a lot of polite messages. Supposedly OKCupid matches people on a whole lot of good metrics so you’d have narrowed things down quite a bit already?

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