I met this girl at my gym about a week ago. She said she’s single. Her and this guy whom she dated for a year ended things exactly a month ago.

I found out a couple of days ago that she reached out to him (guy she dated for a year). She said she’s “just being friendly” and “see how he’s doing” after 30 days of no communication. I confirmed that it was HER who reached out, not him. I trusted her words on being friendly and asked her if she wanted to have dinner next week. She said yes.

This morning at the gym, we talked for a bit. She brought up that her and that guy are going to a music festival in two weeks and they might go to a NBA game together.


My sister said aint no way she was just being friendly when she reached out to him.

  1. She has feelings for him, because they dated for a year, and they are making plans to go to fun events together. If you’re not interested in dating someone who is essentially still seeing someone else that they’ve been seeing for a year, you should move on.

  2. Yea a month no contact and all of a sudden they have plans plans? Nah dude she’s trying to get back in there. If it was just a call I could understand but clearly she’s trying to rekindle this.

  3. I really hope you take my advice on this… with some criticism you’re being an idiot even considering this girl, she gave you the biggest red flags OFF RIP.. I mean, open your eyes op. Respect yourself more. Not only she magically talks to her ex since you hit her up, they planned to go to a music festival together?? ….dude come on.
    You barely know her. So obviously she’s attractive to you and you want to get to know her. I promise you’ll find hotter girls that aren’t doing some weird ass shit like this. What you do is cancel the date. If she asks why just be like “no disrespect but it was a mistake, I don’t wanna take out a girl who’s still in communications with her ex” and that’s that.
    There’s even a chance she might want you more after that. And if that’s the case, still dub her.

    Long story short: You’re gunna be spending your valuable time and money on a girl that’s going to fuck her ex boyfriend all the while you know it.
    Cmon bro!!! Don’t make yourself look like an ass. How is a girl gunna respect you if you don’t respect yourself

  4. >I found out a couple of days ago that she reached out to him

    How would you know this?

    Also, you’ve known this person for a week. You’re not owed anything.

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