What’s a good answer to your gf when she asks “What you thinking about” ?

  1. “the fact I’ve never seen my own face….just reflections and pictures…and unless some Nicholas Cage face off shit happens I never will… it’s kinda sad.”

  2. My ex asked me this before and I told her “nothing”. This started a debate because I *have* to be thinking about *something*. I told her I’m quite literally empty minded right now; not a thought at all.

    The first time started a light argument. The many times after she finally understood I’m able to clear my mind. Or I would answer with some lore/back story from a game I was playing at the time.

  3. You babe, always thinking if you.

    (What I Want to do to you a thousand times a day)

  4. “The world is small, nasty and complicated and everybody dies alone”

    If she gets the reference, marry her

  5. “If I was the captain of a mythical ship in the Pirates of the Caribbean universe, what would it’s special power be and what name would I give it?”

  6. Reply with what I’m thinking about

    – nothing
    – I think I need an oil change
    – calculating how high that bridge is
    – counting teslas we pass
    – counting Harleys we pass
    – she has a nice butt
    – you have a nice butt
    – I have a nice butt
    – a dog will shit the rug if we don’t get home soon
    – allergies are killing me
    – calculating years to retirement

  7. Abe Lincoln vs. Teddy Roosevelt in their prime, no weapons

    She won’t have any more questions

  8. “So, any food planted in Narnia can be a seed for a bush; like plant toffee and you get a toffee bush. We also have normal animals as opposed to Talking Animals in that world. Would killing and grilling a pig and burying the meal then make a BBQ bush? And would plant-grown pork ribs be vegan? I mean, they grew off a plant from a seed and *the seed* wasn’t vegan, but the sausage fruits? They gotta be vegan, right?”

    Or “nothing.”

  9. If you stuck a banana in an orange then planted it would it grow a banana orange hybrid tree or an orange banana hybrid tree?
    If I stare at the ceiling long enough will it forms pictures like clouds?
    If I put protein powder in my fruit smoothie is it still considered a fruit smoothie or a meat smoothie?
    Is squash called squash because it looks squashed or is squash called squash because someone sat on it?

  10. Whenever anyone asks me this I say “all the things on my to do list that I need to take care of today/tomorrow”. This is an acceptable answer to everyone because we are all busy and all have a ton of stuff to do.

    If a person says oh can I help, or sorry are you stressed out, or whatnot …I always say nah I’m good, just thinking things over. 🙂

    Another good/safe answer is “I’m thinking about what sounds good for dinner tonight”. If it’s nighttime, say you’re thinking about breakfast. Everyone can relate to that too! If your GF says oh, what do you want for dinner then? Say “so many things sound good to me right now…is there anything you’re craving?”.

    Food is always a safe and easy topic if you’re just trying to get away from that annoying question. 🤷‍♀️ Men aren’t that complex. My guy friends always say this “I’m thinking is it time for lunch yet and do I want a burrito or a burger?”. 🤣🤣

  11. “Huh?”


    “The ingenious idea, of some Sumerian scribe, to not rotate the up->down writing, and read it sideways, but simply write in the same direction as we read in.”

    “How do porcupines copulate with them being so… thorny?”

    “Your eyes are so mesmerisingly -color-”

    “What? I just zoned out for a minute”

    “Palpatine was far more interesting as chancellor, than he was as emperor, right?”

  12. Well if I told you, I would have to kill you,but that’s what I was thinking anyway?🤔🤔

  13. When my wife asks I usually start into some random boring and technical explanation about something I’m working on, trying to fix or make. She stopped asking years ago. lol

  14. Driving along in the country. We passed a horse farm. A few minutes later I said “hmm..”


    She said “What are you thinking about?”


    Me: “Oh nothing”


    Her: “What was the hmm about, though?”


    Me: “Horse saddles must need to be fitted to the rider’s ass and the horses’ back, so there must have been some specialist back in the day who was like a back-tack-ass specialist who knew ratios and shit”


    Her: “Ok.”

  15. (I’m looking out the window zoning out) wife “hey hello I’m talking to you”. Me “oh sorry, I was thinking”. About what. I was thinking what it would be like if a T-Rex just walked down the street and ate the guy watering his lawn. Anyways, what up?

  16. 4 couples were hanging out. Women upstairs drinking wine, guys downstairs watching hockey.

    Every 20 minutes one of them would come into the basement asking us “What are you guys doing?” Watching hockey. “What are you guys talking about?” Nothing. “Yeah, but what are you talking about?” Work. “But what are guys doing?” Nothing. “But what are you doing?” Nick just poured some beer. “Yeah, but what are you DOING!”


  17. Is a parry a strike from a block? Or is a parry blocking, then countering with the same strike? Would it be easier to just dodge instead?

  18. I have a full beard and haven’t shaved in decades. Would my clone have remnants of this? If so probably only if we both worked at the circus..

  19. Foxworthy: “I wish I had a beer and I wish that I could see something nekkid.”

  20. The answer is always “nothing”, but I get in trouble for that so I make up something weirdly specific.

    “The socioeconomic conditions of the Armenian people before and after their massacre and the subsequent delay of Turkey entering the world stage”

  21. Dicks lots and lots of dicks

    Like Richard Nixon and Andy Dick and dick van dyke

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